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Create a Bookmark

A bookmark allows you to mark the page you are viewing without leaving the page. Click Add bookmark on a content page to add a bookmark.

Once you add a bookmark:

  1. An icon Add bookmark will immediately appear next to the section heading, indicating that a bookmark has been made.
  2. The "add a bookmark" tool will transform to Bookmarked iconwhen a bookmark has been added.
  3. Your bookmark is listed in the left column under "Notes and Bookmarks". To view all bookmarks for a title, you may need to expand the "Notes and Bookmarks" area using the plus/minus button.
  4. An icon Add bookmark will appear in the asset icons near the title’s descriptive copy. These icons are displayed in title lists and indicate whether you have added bookmarks to a title.
  5. An icon Add bookmark will appear beside the chapter heading containing the bookmarked page in the chapter’s Table of Contents.
  6. An icon Add bookmark will appear beside the chapter heading containing the bookmarked page in the title’s Table of Contents.
  7. If the title is not already binned into a personal folder, it will automatically be placed into the Default folder. Direct links to all bookmarked pages are provided beside the title.

Bookmark locations

Table of contents bookmark

Title bookmark

To remove a bookmark, navigate to the page with the bookmark Bookmarked icon and deselect the tool.