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About Asset Metadata Formatting

As of Skillport 8 Patch 61, a new configuration setting is available to improve the formatting of OLSA generated metadata. You can work with your Skillsoft Account Team to enable these features.

The information below highlights the differences when the new setting is enabled.

Course Description Block

The following changes apply to the Course Description block of the asset metadata.

For Duration and Expected Duration, the old format is <minutes> or <hours>:<minutes>. The new format is shown in the table below:

If the Duration is:

Old Format

New Format



value is omitted

<= 60 minutes


40 minutes


60 minutes

> 60 minutes



1 hour 1 minute


1 hour 30 minutes

Note: Previously, Duration for Book assets was always n/a. Now, videos and audiobooks will display the actual duration in the old format for sites without the configuration enabled, and in the new format for sites with the configuration enabled.


Format Comparison for a Video Asset

Truncation Rules for the Description Field

New truncation rules for the Course Description area apply for both the old and new formats. In the old format, truncation may have been abrupt, such as, "Managing your personal ener." Now, truncation occurs just before an area of white space, and an ellipsis (...) is appended, such as, "Managing your personal..."