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Video Viewer Icons

The following table describes the icons that you see in the Video Viewer. To learn more about viewing videos, refer to Video Viewer.




Information: Displays additional information about the video, including an overview with lesson summary, actionable ideas, related questions, and speaker bio.

Add a note

My Notes: Create notes about this specific event. These notes are private and only visible to you.

Note with content

My Notes: View notes that you created about this specific item. These notes are only visible to you.

comment icon without a comment

Community Comments: This item has no comments. Click to add a comment on this content.

Icon for comments that contains a comment

Community Comments: This item contains comments. Click to view comments, add comments to existing comments, and mark comments as helpful.

download icon

Download: Downloads the video in the selected file type.

search icon

Search: Searches within a specific item.

Show more options icon

More Options: Expands to show additional video viewer options.

show fewer options icon

Fewer Options: Hides additional video viewer options.

Save icon

Save: Saves the video to the chosen set in your learning plan.

Purchase icon

Purchase: If available for purchase, launches a third-party reseller where you can purchase the video.

enlarge view icon

Maximize View: Maximizes the viewing window.

Exit the viewer icon

Exit: Closes dialog windows and exits the viewer.

Recommend an asset

Recommend this Video: Recommends the video to community members.

Recommended asset

Recommended this Video: Denotes that you have recommended this video.