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MARC Records

Extended forms of the portal URL are available. These are used by adding extra parameters to the base form of the portal URL.

Example: ISBN, direct link to book title:^B&isbn=1893115593

This will deliver the user directly to the table of contents of the book with ISBN 1893115593, after successful authentication.

User registration using institution email

Libraries utilizing Books24x7 MARC records need make no changes to the standard URL in the 856-field to allow patrons to access via the catalog.

Referring URL Tokens

Libraries utilizing Books24x7 MARC records must edit the URL in the 856-field in order for the token authentication to work for patrons accessing via the catalog.

The URL delivered in the standard MARC records is typically in this form:

This must be changed so the final URLs from the catalog are in this form:

EZproxy Tokens

Libraries utilizing Books24x7 MARC records must edit the URL in the 856-field in order for the token authentication to work for patrons accessing via the catalog.

The URL delivered in the standard MARC records is typically in this form:

This must be changed so the final URLs from the catalog are in this form: http://YourProxyServerInfo/login?url=^B&isbn=xxxxxxxxxx.