Making Changes to Live Courses and Classes
After you make a live course and its classes available for registration, you may need to make changes to accommodate your learning environment. If you have appropriate role permissions, you can:
- From the Content menu in the left navigation bar, select Live Course (ILT).
- Locate the course or class and select the Actions menu
in the Actions column to find the action you need to take.
Actions for courses

When editing live course details:
- You can edit course details at any time. Learners do not see the changes until you Save and Publish. You must publish changes immediately upon making them.
- You cannot edit a course that has been retired.
- If you edit inherited fields like location, classroom, instructor, and enrollment settings, and have existing classes already set up that use the original defaults, the classes are not updated with the new defaults when the changes are saved. Any new classes added after the changes will assume the new course settings.
- If you edit a course where a location or classroom has been deactivated, you need to specify new ones to save changes.

When adding a class to a course:
- By default, the name of the class is: Course name: Class 1. You can change it to whatever you want with two exceptions: The class name cannot be the same as the course name; and the class name must be different from all other class names within the course.
- By default, enrollment settings, location, classroom, and instructors are populated with values from the course level. You can change any of these options for each specific class. For example, training always takes place at headquarters, but because of a remodel, the next class is being moved to another location; or the regular instructor is out on maternity leave, so a different instructor substitutes.
- If your class has an online component, you must enter a URL (from an online meting tool like Webex or Zoom) so the learner can join online at the appropriate time. Optionally you can enter online instructions such as a password or breakout room identifier. Learners only see the URL and online instruction AFTER they register for a class.
- If your class takes place on more than one day, the learner is expected to attend all days and times to receive credit.
- The class dates and times you configure do not have to equal the course duration specified.
- For every class, we recommend that you specify location, classroom, and instructor so when learners register they know where to go and who is teaching.
- The class is not available to learners until you save and publish.
- You can add a class with past dates. This class does not appear in the Live Course Calendar and learners cannot register for it. Percipio sends no notifications about a class that is added with a past date. Only admins and instructors can register learners and complete the class giving credit to learners who attended.

Before you retire a course:
- You cannot retire a live course that has a class taking place in the future. You must cancel any future classes first.
- Once you retire a live course, you cannot reinstate it to an active status. You can only view details.
- Learners who completed a live course that you retire still see the completion in their activity.

When you copy a course, all course details you specified are copied except for classes. You will need to add new classes. We also recommend that you update the course title to prevent duplication in your course list.

When you download a course roster, you see a list of all current and past registered participants across all classes. The CSV file lists the participant name and their email address along with the class they are registered for and their status.
Use the course roster as a way to track participation across all classes for this course.

This is a list of learners who selected the option to get notified when new classes become available because they didn't see a class time that met their schedule.
Actions for classes

When editing class details:
- You can edit class details for draft and published classes that have not started. Learners do not see the changes until you save and publish.
- You cannot edit dates and times of a class after it has started, but you can edit other details as long as the class has not ended.
- You cannot edit a class that has been canceled.
- If you increase the maximum enrollment capacity limit, learners on the waitlist automatically get registered for the class in the order they joined the waitlist.
- If you decrease the maximum enrollment capacity limit, and there are more learners registered than the new limit, no changes are made to the roster. You have to manually cancel a learner's registration to reduce the number of participants.
- When class details such as date, time and location change all registered learners and the instructors receive an automatic notification after you save and publish the class.
- If you edit a class where a location or classroom has been deactivated, you need to specify new ones to save changes.

When you copy and edit a class within a course, everything within the class is copied over except the:
- Date and time
- URL if hosted virtually
We recommend that you update the class title.

You can only delete a live course or class that has a status of Draft. If you delete a live course or class, you cannot get it back.

When canceling a class:
- Canceling a class cancels all learners who registered and who joined the waitlist.
- You cannot reinstate a canceled class.
- Learners and instructors automatically receive a notification when their class is canceled.

Closing registrations prevents any new learners from registering.
Tips about closing registrations:
- To open registration again, change the enrollment setting: Allow learners to self register for this class from no to yes.
- To prevent the need to manually close registrations, enter the number of days prior to the class start date to close to new registrations. This along with the maximum capacity closes registration automatically when specified conditions are met.

When you manage the roster, you have the ability to:
- Register learners for a class
- Cancel a learner's registration
- Approve learner's registration request
- Manage the waitlist
- Mark the course complete and give each learner a score
- Download the roster for printing and sharing with those who do not have online access.
For details on how to perform these tasks, see Managing Class Registrations, Waitlists and Completions.