List Attribute

Use the List attribute if the values you need to create are shared by users (for example, job roles, office locations, or departments).

You can also use the list attribute to assign multiple values to a user. For example, you might want to assign a user to more than one location if they split their time between the two.

You can add as many values as you want to a list attribute, but we recommend no more than 50 in order to successfully manage the list. If you have more than 50 values, consider using the String type attribute.

Note: Instead of using a list attribute to contain a user's Manager's email address or name, we recommend that you use the Percipio User Attribute type. If you use a the Percipio user attribute and use team automation, the manager will be assigned as the audience owner.

Using a List attribute (example)

Your company has a set of courses contained in a Percipio assignment that all employees in the engineering department must complete. You have other departments in your company that do not need this assignment, but may require other assignments in the future.

Segment the engineers into their own audience by first assigning them the value of a list attribute designated just to engineers, and then using that value to create an audience. When you create new users in Percipio and assign them that value, those new users are automatically assigned the audience's assignment.

To do this:

  1. Create a List attribute and name it department.
  2. Add values to the department attribute, and name them engineering, HR, sales and finance.
  3. Create a new audience and name it Engineering.
  4. Select the department user attribute from the drop-down list.
  5. Select engineering as the attribute's value.
  6. Assign the onboarding assignment to the Engineering audience.
  7. As you add users to your Percipio site, set their department attribute to engineering. This adds them to the Engineering audience and automatically assigns the engineering assignment to the newly-added users.