Install the Mobile App

You can install the Percipio mobile app on your iOS or Android device. Use the steps below to install the Percipio mobile app via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. The same app can be used for both phones and tablets.

Install Mobile App to iOS Device

apple app store

  1. From your device, open the App Store.
  2. In the search box, enter Percipio.
  3. Tap Get.
  4. Tap Install.
  5. If prompted, enter your iTunes password.
  6. Tap Open to open the learning app.

Install Mobile App to Android Device

Install via the Google Play Store

google app store

  1. Ensure you have a Google account on your device, then launch the Google Play Store app.
  2. In the search box, enter Percipio.
  3. Tap Install.
Note: If you are in China without access to the Google Play Store, you can download the Percipio mobile app for Android devices using this link (if the hyperlink does not work, you can copy and paste the URL into a separate browser tab for immediate download: