Possible Values: valid numeric value with the following maximum value for each report_date_period:
Days - 9999
Weeks - 999
Months - 999
Years - 99
Default Value: 1
BCS Parameter: report_to_date (optional)
If you are using report_date periods, report_to_date=true will include all activity for the requested periods plus activity in the current period up to the current date and time. If report_to_date=false, the report will only include activity for the requested periods.
Possible Values: true or false
Default Value: true
If report_to_date = true, the end date is always the date the report is run, up to and including the most recent database refresh.
If report_to_date = false, the end date is the last day of the previous interval. For instance, if today is December 31, the ‘Previous [n] Months’ ends on November 30 and the ‘Previous [n] Years’ ends on December 31 of the prior year.
BCS Parameter: display_units (optional and used in chart templates only)
Description: Provides the ability to select one, many, or all users or groups as part of the filter criteria.
Control Type: Multi-select
BCS Parameter: user_list
Possible Values: CSV list of <username> values
Default Value: All
BCS Parameter: group_list
Possible Values: CSV list of <group_orgcode> values
Default Value: All
Note: In some templates the Group or the User filter may not be available. For instance, if the report is group specific then the user filter may be disabled.
Description: Used to determine how records that contain field(s) that could have multiple values (such as a user that exists in multiple groups) present or stored the data in the report. If multiple rows are selected, a record will be provided for every instance.
Control Type: Single-select
BCS Parameter: show_multiple_groups
Possible Values: 1 (multiple rows), 2 (single row)
Description: The total cumulative duration for all launches in the specified date range for assets for which duration is tracked. Displayed in hh:mm format for Previewed reports, and reports exported to PDF and HTML. Displayed in minutes for reports exported to CSV and Excel.
Note: Duration for passive assets such as Word or PDF documents is not tracked.
Description: The user's SkillPort role: Super Administrator, Company Administrator, Company Administrator-Custom, Administrator, Administrator-Custom, Manager, Manager-Custom, and End-User.