
Learning Program Completion

Learning programs ( Icon for a learning programme asset ) are presented in a hierarchical (tree view) form, and completion of a learning program is determined by the completion criteria specified for its folders. A folder's rules are imposed on its immediate children unless a child is a folder with its own rules, in which case the child folder's rules apply.

The completion criteria for a folder can be one of the following:

  • Complete All: Complete all courses in the folder in any order.
  • Complete In Order: Complete all courses in the folder in a specific, forced order. You must complete the first course before the link for the second course becomes active, and so on.
  • Complete Any {Number}: Complete a specified number of the courses in the folder.
  • Optional: You do not need to complete any of the courses in the folder.

    Note: If all of the assets in a learning program are optional, your status in the learning program is automatically changed to Completed when you enroll. This is because there are no requirements for completion.

As you complete a learning program, you receive a % Completed score. This value is determined by dividing the number of completed courses by the total number of courses in the learning program. Learning assets for which progress cannot be tracked (for example, a lone document or a URL) are not included in this calculation.

As an example, examine the contents of the following sample learning program for IT professionals.

example learning programme

Note the following about the program:

  • The IT Professional Program root folder has the rule of completing all children in order. However, note that its last immediate child is also a folder (Other Technologies) with its own rule that stipulates it as optional. Because a lower-ranked folder's rule apply, the Other Technologies folder and its child(ren) are optional rather than required. As a result, the course in the Other Technologies folder does not count toward completion of the learning program.
  • Because the IT Professional Program root folder has the rule of completing all children in order, you must complete all children as follows:
    1. Complete the requirements for the Business Skills folder.
    2. Complete the Design Concepts for Web Sites course.
    3. Complete the requirements for the Software Development folder.
    4. Complete the Oracle8i Database Administration course.
  • In the Business Skills folder, you must complete any 2 of the 3 learning assets in any order. If you complete a 3rd asset in this folder, it does not count toward completion of the learning program.
  • In the Software Development folder, you must complete both courses in any order.

In total, you must complete 6 of the 8 courses in the program. This means that if you were to complete 1 required and 1 elective course (or 2 required courses), you would have completed 1/3 or 33% of the learning program.

Scoped Learning Programs

A learning program is considered "scoped" if it has either a start or an end date. Progress for a scoped learning program is tracked separately from a regular course launch.

Note: Your progress for a given course within a scoped learning program is tied not only to the start date of the learning program but also to the date in which you were enrolled in the program. In other words, even if you start a course in a scoped learning program for which the course start date was set at or in advance of the learning program creation date, course progress is accumulated for the scoped learning program only after you have been enrolled in the scoped learning program.

Last Updated: 1/3/2013 12:38:06 PM