
Delete an Article

Only a community admin or the author of the article can delete articles.

To delete an article

  1. Click the SkillPort Blog link displayed on the SkillPort home page.
  2. Click the Manage Blogs link. This will open the Manage Blogs page.
  3. Click the Manage this Blog link found under the specific blog name.
  4. When on the Posts page in the Dashboard, place your mouse over the article you wish to delete. The following links will display:

    Trash Link

  5. Click Trash on the hyperlinks which display to delete the article in question.

The Bulk Actions combo box has a Move to Trash option. By selecting the check-boxes listed in front of each article title and selecting the Move to Trash option from the combo box and clicking on the Apply button, you can perform Bulk Article Removals.

Last Updated: 1/3/2013 12:38:04 PM