- User ID*: Your sign in identification (also called a Username).
All single-byte characters, @ $ _ . ~ ' - and numbers 0-9 are accepted.
Note: A User ID cannot start with an apostrophe (') or a hyphen (-). You cannot use a space, tab or newline (Shift+Enter). All User IDs are validated, then saved in all lowercase.
- First Name: Your first name.
All single-byte characters, multi-byte characters, and Latin-1 characters are accepted.
- Last Name: Your last name.
All single-byte characters, multi-byte characters, and Latin-1 characters are accepted.
- Organization Code: The organization code your company uses for Skillport.
All single-byte characters, underscore (_) and numbers 0-9 are accepted. Capital letters are also accepted.
- Email Address: This email address is associated with your Skillport account and will be the address where your password resets and site notifications are sent.
All single-byte characters, - _ . * ^ + = @ ' and numbers 0-9 are accepted.
- Password*: Skillport administrators can opt to enforce strong passwords by specifying password requirements, such as a specific password length and the use of special characters.
All single-byte characters are accepted except the following: plus (+), double quote ("), and back slash (\).
Passwords cannot contain the following:
- space, tab or newline (Shift+Enter)
- multi-byte characters
- blank passwords
- Confirm Password*: Reenter your password.
- Security Question*: Depending on the configuration of your Skillport site, you may need to select a security question from a drop-down list.
- Security Answer*: If security questions are enabled on your Skillport site, enter the answer to the selected security question.
- Display First Name: Your first name as it appears to you and others in Skillport.
All single-byte characters, multi-byte characters, and Latin-1 characters are accepted.
- Display Last Name: Your last name as it appears to you and others in Skillport.
All single-byte characters, multi-byte characters, and Latin-1 characters are accepted.
- Location: Your geographic location (for example, where your office or branch is located).
- Profile Image: This must be a JPEG, GIF or PNG image that is no larger than 5 megabytes; uploaded images are automatically resized to 100 pixels x 110 pixels.
Note: You cannot upload images from a tablet. If you do not upload an image, or if you delete an existing one, the following image is used in its place: ![Default profile image](43038.gif)
- { custom fields }: Your organization may have added one or more custom fields.