Follow a Community Member
You can follow community members from many locations that have community activity or by searching for a particular member.
Note: You must be a member of the community to follow another member. In order to join the community, edit your profile.
To find members to follow in the community
- Click Visit Community at the top of the page.
The Community page appears.
- Click Find Members on the left side of the page.
- In Search, enter the name of the person you want to follow. You can enter their first name, last name, or both.
Note: You must use the full first and/or last name to ensure accurate search results.
- Click
.A list of search results displays. You can either follow the person directly from the Search results, or from the person's Community Profile page.
To find members to follow by viewing community activities
- View community activities in the community stream.
- Click on the name of a member of interest to you.
The member's community profile page displays.
- Click Follow.
The community member is now being followed by you.
To find members to follow using Search
- At the top of the page, enter a name in Search and click
.Search results displays.
- Scroll down to Community and view the search results.
- Click the name of the member to visit their profile page.
- Click Follow.
The community member is now being followed by you.