Edit an Audience

You can edit an audience's name, owners, and users. Prior to modifying users, see Important information about audience modification and assignments below.

To edit an audience

  1. Select Users > Audience Management from the left navigation bar.
  2. Locate the audience you wish to edit .
  3. In the ACTIONS column,select actions menu icon, gray elipse > the Edit button, a pencil Edit. The Edit Audience page displays.
  4. Modify the audience name.
    CAUTION: If you change the name of an audience, and that audience has assignments made to it, all users that have not started the assignment will get an assignment email notification with a revised due date.
  5. Optionally, select the audience administrators and audience owners.
  6. Audience administrators can create and manage child audiences which are subsets of the main audience that they administer. They must be a learning admin with the Manage child audiences as an administrator permission enabled. They cannot change the characteristics of the audience they administer, only the child audiences they create. An audience administrator has all the privileges of an audience owner.
  7. Audience owners must have a user role of Learning Admin or Manager. Not all audiences need owners. Audience owners may receive an email notification when they are added or removed.
  8. Modify your audience definition. To assist you in your modifications, you see the current user attributes and users included and excluded from the audience. You also see the total number of users in the audience. You can add or remove either user attributes or individual users. Percipio recalculates the total number of users in your audience based on your new selections.

    Define your audience field. Options to specify with attributes or by adding individual users.

  9. Select Update Audience.

Important information about audience modification and assignments

  • If you change the name of an audience, and that audience has assignments made to it, all users that have not started the assignment will get an assignment email notification with a revised due date.

  • If users get removed from an audience and that audience has an assignment associated with it, the users automatically receive an assignment cancellation notification.

  • If users get added to an audience and that audience has an assignment associated with it, the newly added users receive an assignment notification.

  • When users are added to or removed from an audience, their entitlements to content reflect the audiences they are associated with.

  • When you add a user to an audience that has a Scheduled assignment, the assignment displays on the user's Assignment page on the start date. Scheduled assignments have a start date in the future.
  • When you add a user to an audience after the start date, the user receives an email notification and the assignment displays on their Assignment page immediately. In Progress assignments have a start date in the past.
  • The time to complete the assignment depends on how you configured the assignment. If you configured the assignment with a fixed date, the user sees the fixed date, which could be past due. If you configured the assignment with number of days, the user has the same number of days as all other users to complete the assignment.
  • Example:
    An assignment has the Number of days to complete set to 30 and a Start Date of September 1.
    Jane Doe was part of the original audience, so the assignment started for her on September 1st. Jane's due date is September 30th.
    John Doe was added to the audience on September 4th, four days after the assignment's Start Date. John's due date is four days later, on November 4th.