Edit a Custom Journey

You can edit a custom journey to make corrections, add new content that would be relevant, remove content that is now obsolete, or change the target audience. You can also change your display style from Classic to Simple or from Simple to Classic. Classic is the style used by Skillsoft Aspire Journeys.

Changing the target audience

When you change the target audience on a previously published journey:

  • Changes are immediate
  • You do NOT need to republish that journey
  • The publish button is gray

If you make changes to the material within the journey, then you need to republish so users can see those changes.

Impacts to learners

You can edit a journey with the following statuses: Draft, Published, or Unpublished changes. Understanding the impacts to learners, completions, and reports is important before you make edits to a previously published journey.

You must republish the journey so that learners can see any changes you made, except if you change the target audience. When you change the target audience, changes are reflected immediately.

  • Change Titles or Descriptions: If you edit the Title or Description for the journey, tracks or optional sections, the learner sees the updates next time they access the journey. Reports are updated with new titles.
  • Change Introductory or Related Content sections: If you add Introductory or Related Content sections or add or remove content from these optional new or existing sections, the learner sees the changes next time they access the journey. Reports are updated with new content items. There is no impact to the learner's track or journey completion status.
  • Add content to a track & learner complete: If you add any content to a track, and a learner has completed the track:
    • If the learner has also completed the journey, the journey and track remain completed.
    • If the learner has not yet completed the journey, the track remains complete; no impact to overall journey completion.
    • The learner does not get notified if new content is added to a completed track.
  • Add content to a track & learner not complete: If you add any content to a track, and a learner has started the track:
    • The learner sees the new content the next time they login.
    • The learner completion status of the track and overall journey changes to reflect the new percent complete the next time the learner launches content.
    • Journey Reports are updated to reflect new completion status and new content items.
  • Remove content from a track & learner not complete: If you remove any content from a track, and a learner has started, but not completed that content item within the track:
    • The learner no longer sees the content in the track.
    • The learner completion status of the track and overall journey changes to reflect the new percent complete the next time the learner launches content.
    • If the content item has also been retired from Percipio, the learner can no longer complete the item. The item appears in the learner's activity list as started.
    • If the content has NOT been retired from Percipio, but just simply removed from the journey, the learner could locate the item in their activity list and complete it. Completing the item outside the track will not impact the completion status of the track or journey, but will show the item complete in the learner's activity list.
  • Remove content from a track & learner complete: If you remove any content from a track, and a learner has completed that content item within the track:
    • The learner no longer sees the removed content in the track.
    • The learner completion status of the track and overall journey remains the same.
    • The content item appears in the learner's activity list as completed.
    • Journey Reports no longer show content.
  • Retired content: If any content included in a journey is retired from Percipio, the learner no longer sees it in the track and it no longer counts toward completion.
  • Change targeted audience: If you change the targeted audience, the changes are immediate. You do not need to republish the journey.
  • Changes to Digital Badges: With regards to custom Digital Badges:
    • If you add a custom Digital Badge to existing custom content for the first time, learners who previously completed the existing custom content, must open the track or journey to claim their badge.
    • If you want to update the journey with the latest custom Digital Badge, you must first unselect the badge options and save the journey. You must then edit the journey again and re-select the badge options and republish the journey for learners to see the new badge. Learners who earned the previous badge design, keep that badge. Learners who have not yet earned a badge for the track or journey, get the latest badge.
Note on Completions: Once a learner completes a journey, it will remain completed even if you add content to a track or add new tracks. The same is true if a learner completes a track; once a learner completes a track, it remains complete even if you remove completed content or add new content.

To edit an existing journey

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Content then Journeys. The Custom Journey page displays.
  2. Locate the journey from the list.
  3. In the Actions column, select actions menu icon, gray elipse > the Edit button, a pencil. The Edit Journey page displays.
  4. Select the language.
  5. Using the four step process used when creating the journey, make any changes in the first step, then click Next to move to the next step. Continue in this manner until all changes you require are made.

    If you want to update the journey with the latest custom Digital Badge, you must first unselect the badge options and save the journey. You must then edit the journey again and select the badge options.

    Note: When you include a digital badge the badge title matches the journey title by default. You can edit the title on the digital badge. If you edit the badge title, it no longer automatically updates with changes to the journey title unless you choose to reset the badge title to the default journey title.
  6. Select one of the following actions
    1. Cancel: Discard all changes.
    2. Save unpublished changes: Save your changes for modification or publication later.
    3. Publish journey: Makes your changes accessible to your learners. It may take several minutes for the journey to display in the library and search results.