Add a Cohort

A cohort is a group of learners who go through a learning program together. After you create a learning program, you can add a cohort at any time except if the program has been archived.

Site admins and content coordinators and content curators with program management privileges can add cohorts to any learning program.

You can create two types of cohorts:

  • Required/optional: In this type of cohort you either enroll the learners automatically requiring them to participate or you invite them to participate.
  • Self-enrolled: In this type of cohort, you allow learners to self discover the program and enroll themselves. You can only create one self-enrolled cohort.

To add a required/optional cohort to a learning program:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Learning > Learning Programs. The Learning Programs page displays.
  2. Locate the program to which you want to add a cohort.
  3. From the Action menu actions menu icon, gray elipse, select Add cohort. The Manage cohort page displays.
  4. Select Create required/optional cohort or Create self-enfolled cohort.
  5. After you add the details for the cohort, you can do one of two things:
    • Cancel: closes the program without saving any changes.
    • Next: Finish creating cohort: saves your current changes and returns you to the Manage cohort step where you can add another cohort. When you are done adding cohorts, you can select Next: Manage notifications.
  6. Select the newly added cohort from the Cohort drop down list.
  7. After you configure and preview your emails for the new cohort, you can do one of three things:
    • Cancel: closes the learning program without saving any changes.
    • Next: Review and launch: saves your current changes and takes you to the next step.
  8. Review the program and cohort details. When you are ready, you can do one of the following:
    • Cancel: closes the learning program without saving any changes.
    • Save program: saves your current changes and takes you to the next step.
  9. Select Save program to confirm you want to save the new cohort. Select the X in the upper right corner if you change your mind and want to return to the previous step.
  10. Select View all programs at the bottom to return to Learning program list page.