All Content Listing Report

The All Content Listing report provides full details about all the content on your site, including:

  • Descriptions, durations, and eligibility for badges or CPE credits
  • Locations in assignments, promotions, and journeys
  • Locations in the library hierarchy
  • Availability in other languages
  • Status (recently added, retired, pending retirement, and replacement details if available)

Percipio may take up to 24 hours to include relevant activity in this report. You can see at the top of the report when the data was last updated.

Report insights

The All Content Listing report shows you:

  • A list of all content on your site including Skillsoft and custom content and where it is stored and being used.
  • For each content items, a list of skills that a learner can gain if they take that content.
  • Courses that have English equivalents. To help you add equivalent content to multi-language channels and journeys, use the English Equivalent columns of this report. When you download the report, filter or create a pivot table on the column English Equivalent title to see if the item you want exists in the other languages you need.
  • Content recently published. You can filter the report using the Added to Percipio filter to see what has been recently added.
  • All content contained in a single journey or channel. Use the global filter, Content grouping.
  • When content was first added to Percipio. View the First Publish Date column.
  • All content that is pending retirement. For each item, you can see if it is contained in any assignments, custom journeys, or promotions. You can also see if the retiring item has a replacement.
  • Retiring courses that have replacement content. If a course is pending retirement, you can see whether or not replacement content is available and if not, if it is coming. Use the Content status filter to show just courses Pending retirement, then use the columns Replacement content title to see the title of the new content item and Replacement content coming to see if content is coming.

Access the report

To access the report and customize it for your needs:

  1. From the Analytics menu, select All reports.
  2. From the Content section, locate and select All Content Listing.
  3. Select to update your report.
  4. You can select to Download report at this point so you can share with others in your organization.
  5. After you save the initial custom view, you can then:

Columns Available

The following columns are available in the All Content Listing report.

  • COLLECTION: The name of the content collection that contains the content item.
  • AREA: The library area where you can find the content item's associated subject and channel.
  • SUBJECT: The library subject where you can find the content item's associated channel.
  • CHANNEL: The name of the channel.
  • JOURNEY TITLE: The name of the journey that contains the content. If the content item is in more than one journey, each journey is listed separated by a comma.
  • ASSIGNMENT TITLE: The title of the assignment that contains the content item. If the content item is in more than one assignment, each assignment is listed separated by a comma.
  • PROMOTION TITLE: The title of the promotion that contains the content item. If the content item is in more than one promotion, each promotion is listed separated by a comma.
  • CHANNEL OR JOURNEY DESCRIPTION: The description of the channel or journey containing the item.
  • CONTAINER TYPE: Shows whether the content is part of a channel or a journey.
  • CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset.
  • ASSET TYPE: The type of asset. Types may include assessment, audiobooks, audio summaries, books, book summaries, course, journey, linked content, scheduled content, and video. When you see the asset type for linked content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft content types: AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content and any custom content items you added. When you see the asset type, scheduled content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft items: live courses or live events. When you see the asset type, assessment, it is associated with the content type of Skill Benchmarks.
  • CONTENT TYPE: The type of content. Content types can be subsets of asset types. Content types are equivalent to the asset type for courses, videos, books, audiobooks, audio summaries, book summaries, and journeys. When an asset type is set for assessment, you can see a content type of Skill Benchmark. When an asset type is set for linked content, you can see content types for AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content, and any custom content items you added. When an asset type is set for scheduled content, you see content types of live courses and live events.
  • SKILLS: A list of all the skills that are associated with that content item.
  • AVERAGE RATING: Average rating based only on your organization's star ratings for the content item.
  • PROVIDER: The name of the content provider.
  • PUBLISHER:  The name of the content publisher.
  • SOURCE: The source of the content item.
  • LANGUAGE: The language of the asset. Available languages and their codes are listed here.
  • FIELD OF STUDY: For courses that have CPE credit for NASBA certification, this column shows the category of that course.
  • PDU CREDIT: Indicates whether the content is available for PDU credit.
  • CPE CREDIT: Indicates whether the content is available for CPE credit.
  • BADGE ELIGIBLE: Displays a Y if the learner can earn a Digital Badge for the content or an N if he cannot.
  • STATUS: The status of an asset (published, retired, pending retirement, and archived).
  • KEYWORDS: A comma-separated list of keywords associated with the custom content item.
  • TECHNOLOGY TITLE: The title of the content technology (such as Mac, Linux, etc.).
  • TECHNOLOGY VERSION: The version of the content technology (such as Excel 2018, Windows 10, etc.).
  • EXPERTISE LEVEL: The level of expertise of content, as noted by the curator (beginner, intermediate, advanced, everyone).
  • FIRST PUBLISHED DATE: The date the asset was first published in Percipio.
  • LAST PUBLISHED DATE: The date the asset was last updated in Percipio.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (SECONDS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. Time is listed in total seconds.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HOURS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. For online courses this only includes the video playback time. Time is listed as fraction of hours. Something that takes 90 minutes to complete is listed as 1.50 and something that takes 15 minutes is listed as 0.25.
  • ESTIMATED DURATION (HHMMSS): Total estimated amount of time it takes a learner to complete the specified content. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • CONTENT UUID: A unique identifier for a specific content asset.
  • CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
  • EXTERNAL ID: A unique identifier for custom content that you can use as a cross reference to another system.
  • CHANNEL UUID: A unique identifier for a channel. Channel UUIDs are mapped to activity codes in SumTotal Learn and are also used with third-party learner management systems.
  • DESCRIPTION: A detailed description of the asset.
  • EXTERNAL LINK: For linked content items, it is the URL that links directly to the content item.
  • PLANNED RETIREMENT DATE: The planned retirement date for the content.
  • REPLACEMENT CONTENT ID:The unique identifier for a specific content asset that replaces the retiring one. There may be more than one ID listed.
  • REPLACEMENT CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset(s) that are replacing the retiring one.
  • REPLACEMENT CONTENT COMING: Indicates for retiring content whether or not replacement content is coming out.
  • REASON FOR RETIREMENT: A description of why the content item is being retired. The options include:
    • TECHNOLOGY_NOT_SUPPORTED: Technology required for the course is no longer supported
    • TECHNOLOGY_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: Technology version is no longer supported
    • CONTENT_OUT_OF_DATE: Content is out of date
    • EXAM_RETIRED: Exam is retired
    • REPLACEMENT_CONTENT_AVAILABLE: New or updated content is available
  • COURSE TEST: Indicates whether or not the content item has a course test.
  • WCAG: Indicates whether the content conforms to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. A value of true indicates the content conforms to WCAG; a value of false indicates that it does not.
  • CONTENT OWNER: Identifies who created the content.
  • COPYRIGHT YEAR: The year the content was copyrighted.
  • TRANSCRIPTS: Indicates whether a transcript is available. A value of true indicates the content has a transcript; a value of false indicates it does not.
  • CAPTIONS:Indicates whether captions are available. A value of true indicates the content has captions; a value of false indicates it does not.
  • AUDIO DESCRIPTION: Indicates whether or not the content item has an audio description.
  • FIRST PUBLISH DATE: The date the content item was first added to Percipio.
  • ENGLISH EQUIVALENT ID: If a non-English content item has an English equivalent, this field is populated with the ID of the English equivalent content.
  • ENGLISH EQUIVALENT TITLE: If a non-English content item has an English equivalent, this field is populated with the title of the English equivalent content.
  • ENGLISH EQUIVALENT COURSE CODE: If a non-English content item has an English equivalent, this field is populated with the course code of the English equivalent content.