Content Access Report

The Content Access report details what content users in your organization are accessing and how many Digital Badges they earned.

Specify filters, then select Run report to view the report data in the current window.

To download your report with selected filters, you must select Run report first before you select Download report. After you chose Download report, a message displays with a link to the Reports download tab. Select the link to view the CSV download progress and/or open the CSV file. If you do not run the report first, the CSV download uses the default filters.


  • Date filters: The Date filters apply to the TOTAL UNIQUE USERS, TOTAL ACCESSES, TOTAL DURATION, and TOTAL COMPLETIONS columns.
    • Date Range Presets: A drop-down list of date ranges that filters the data to the selected range. Select Custom to enter specific dates.
    • Start: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify a start date. When you enter a Start date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
    • End: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify an end date. When you enter an End date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
  • Audience: Predefined group of users. Enter the name of an audience and then select it from the list. You can display the data for multiple audiences at the same time by entering more than one audience name.
  • Asset Type: Select specific asset types from the drop-down list.
  • Collection: Filters by specific content collection.
  • Language: Select only one option from the drop-down list. All Languages is set by default.


The following columns are available in the Content Access report:

  • COLLECTION: The name of the content collection that contains the content item.
  • CHANNEL: The name of the channel.
  • CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset.
  • CONTENT UUID: A unique identifier for a specific content asset. Content UUIDs are mapped to activity codes in SumTotal Learn and are also used with third-party learner management systems.
  • CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
  • ASSET TYPE: The type of asset. Types may include assessment, audiobooks, audio summaries, books, book summaries, course, journey, linked content, scheduled content, and video. When you see the asset type for linked content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft content types: AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content and any custom content items you added. When you see the asset type, scheduled content, it could be associated with any of following Skillsoft items: live courses or live events. When you see the asset type, assessment, it is associated with the content type of Skill Benchmarks.
  • LANGUAGE: The language of the asset. Available languages and their codes are listed here.
  • TOTAL UNIQUE USERS: The total number of individual users that accessed an asset.
  • TOTAL ACCESSES: The total number of times within the filtered date range that content was accessed. For example, if a learner launches the same course 3 times within the specified date range, the total accesses is 3.
  • TOTAL DURATION: The total amount of time all users spent in an asset. Time is listed in (00h00m00s) format.
  • AVERAGE DURATION: The average amount of time a user spent in an asset.
  • TOTAL COMPLETIONS WITH COURSE VIDEO: The total number of completions for that user. This number includes individual Skillsoft course videos when launched separately in the video-only player. This number does not include individual Skillsoft course videos that are watched when the learner launches a course.
  • TOTAL BADGES EARNED: The total number of users who have earned a Digital Badge for the asset, within the specified date range. Badges cannot be earned for scheduled content.