Microsoft Learn Courses

Microsoft Learn courses launch in the Microsoft environment. These courses contain detail topic explanations, sample exercises with access to a sandbox, and a knowledge check.

You can launch these courses as often as you wish from Percipio, but to save your progress within a particular course or to access the sandbox site to practice exercises, you must create a Microsoft Learn account. This requires that you share personal information like your email address with Microsoft.

You can get credit for taking the Microsoft Learn course without creating a Microsoft Learn account.

Microsoft Learn courses are only offered in English.

Find and launch a Microsoft Learn course

You must be entitled to a collection that contains Microsoft Learn courses in order for you to see them in search results. To find Microsoft Learn courses using search:

  1. Enter the topic of interest in the search bar and select Search.
  2. From the Type filter on the left navigation, select Course.
  3. From the Content source filter on the left navigation, select Microsoft Learn.
  4. Select the Microsoft Learn course you want to take, then select Watch to engage with it. A new browser tab opens showing the course introduction page.
  5. Select Start or choose a learning path to jump to a particular area of the course.

    Screenshot of course introduction page. Start button and learning paths can be located on this page.

Complete and get credit for a Microsoft Learn course

To complete a Microsoft Learn course:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select My Learning.
  2. From your My Learning page, select Learning Activity.
  3. Locate the Microsoft Learn course from the list and select Mark as Completed from the Actions menu.Screenshot of active assignments in My Learning. By selecting the actions menu next to a course, you have the option to mark as completed.
  4. Specify the amount of time you spent within the Microsoft Learn course.
  5. Select Save. Your self declaration of completion and the time you spent shows in Percipio reports and in your Activity list.