Aspire Journeys

Aspire Journeys are guided learning paths designed and published by Skillsoft. The learning path comprises tracks of content in a recommended order. Completing all content within a track, completes the track. Completing all tracks within the journey, completes the journey.

Note: Aspire Journeys are currently available in English only.

Each Aspire Journey shows your progress, provides a description of the covered skills, and the expected duration to complete it. Each completed track demonstrates your knowledge and represents a milestone in your learning path.

Locate Aspire Journeys

To locate Aspire Journeys, you can either browse or search.

  • To browse, select Library from the left navigation bar, and then from the box titled Follow a Guided Path, you can select one of the Aspire Journey options. A complete listing of all Aspire Journeys of that type available to you displays.

    Screenshot of the follow a guided path box from the library. Has links for Aspire Journeys for Business Skills, Aspire Journeys for Codecademy, and Aspire Journeys for Leadership

  • To search, enter a specific keyword and filter on Aspire Journeys, or enter Aspire Journey in the search box to display all Aspire Journeys. If an Aspire Journey is part of a Career Journey, you see a link to the Career Journey in the card.

Track progress

In order to start tracking progress within a journey, you must launch at least one item from within the journey. Scenarios for when journeys start tracking progress:

  • After you launch an item from within the journey, tracking of journey completion starts, and at that point you can launch any journey item from search results or a channel and the progress counts toward track and journey completion.
  • If you launch an item that is contained in a journey from search results or from a channel, without first launching any item from within the journey, Percipio does not start tracking journey progress, only the progress of the individual item.
  • If you previously completed any item contained in the journey, those completed items count towards the track and journey completion provided you first launched an item from within the journey.
  • After you launch content from within a journey, you see it from your Learning Activity List.

On each track, a progress indicator shows how much of the track is complete.

If a track shows options, pick one to complete. You can complete items from either option, but to achieve track completion, you must complete all items from one option. The progress indicator for a track with multiple options always shows the highest completion.

For example, if option one contains 4 items and you completed 2 of them, the completion of that option is 50%. If option two contains 4 items and you completed 1 of them, the completion of that option is 25%. The progress indicator for the track shows 50%.

Screenshot of a journey track that shows a progress indicator of track not started.

After you complete all tracks, the progress indicator shows 100% complete on both the track page and on the journey page. You must complete all tracks to complete a journey. You can earn Digital Badges for completing each track in an Aspire Journey, and for completing the entire journey itself. You can also earn a certificate of completion after you complete the entire journey.

Optional Resources

Aspire Journeys may also have optional resources outside of tracks, such as books, courses, and videos. The content is supplementary and intended to enhance your knowledge and encourage continued learning beyond the core contents. Completion of these optional resources isn't required or tracked for completion of a journey.