Completion Settings for Compliance Courses

Completion settings determine the requirements a learner must meet to achieve completion in an unmodified Skillsoft compliance course. These settings control how the learner experiences the course, such as whether they can fast forward through content, whether they need to view all content before taking a test, or whether they can take a pre-test to demonstrate their knowledge and test-out if they score high enough.

You can configure site-wide completion settings that apply to all Skillsoft compliance content, and you can override the site-wide settings for one or more individual compliance courses.

Note: Configuring completion settings only effects unmodified Skillsoft compliance courses. Completion settings do not apply to custom courses.

To access the Compliance Course Completion Settings page, select Content > Completion Criteria.

This page contains three sections:

  • Basic course completion settings: These are site-wide settings that apply to all Skillsoft compliance courses unless override settings are applied for a specific course.
  • Advanced course completion settings: These are site-wide settings that apply to all Skillsoft compliance courses unless override settings are applied for a specific course.
  • Courses with completion overrides: This is the list of courses that do not follow all or some of the basic or advanced site-wide completion settings. It is also where you define course-specific overrides.

Completion settings

You can configure two levels of completion settings, Basic and Advanced, so you can best meet your organization’s needs.

Basic settings

If you choose to turn on Use system default for basic completion settings, Percipio uses the default completion criteria and you can't change them.

All settings in this section apply to whether the learner must view content or take the course test to achieve completion or both.

  • First choose how the learner achieves completion for the course. Select from one of the four options:
    • Achieve minimum test score and visit all content pages: Requires learners to both visit all pages within the training and achieve the set minimum test score to receive a completion.
    • Achieve minimum test score or visit all content pages: Requires learner to either achieve a minimum test score or visit all content within the training to receive a completion.
    • Achieve minimum test score: Requires learners to only achieve the set minimum test score to attain a completion. This is the site-wide default setting.
    • Visit all content pages: Requires learners to only visit all content within the training to attain a completion. If you select this option, the Minimum test score and advanced setting, Pre-test availability, do not apply for a learner’s completion.
  • If you selected an option that includes a test score as part of achieving completion, you must then specify the following:
    • Minimum test score:The value specified here only applies when using Percipio Compliance with another Learning Management System. Percipio Compliance uses the score set in the Passing Threshold of the Learning Plan Assignment to measure completions. The site-wide default setting is 100.
    • Test score model: Indicates the scoring model for course tests. Values include:
      • Average: If a course has more than one test, such as topic or lesson tests, the average of all test scores is used to determine the minimum score. This is the site-wide default setting.
      • Each test: The learner must achieve the minimum score for each test.

Advanced settings

If you choose to turn on Use system default for basic completion settings, Percipio uses the default completion criteria and you can't change them.

Settings in this section give you more control over how users progress through the course and take the test. Options include:

  • Pre-test availability: Check this option to allow learners to take a pre-test before accessing any content. If learners take the pre-test before proceeding through any content, and score above the Minimum test score defined in the Basic course completion settings, they do not have to take the test again to pass. If you selected Visit all content pages within the Basic course completion settings, the learner will be required to view all content pages regardless of their pre-test score. This setting is off by default. If you check the pre-test availability option, you should uncheck the option that requires learners to view all course pages before they can access the mastery test.
  • Minimum total time in course: Indicates the minimum amount of time the learner must spend in the course. This is shown in hours and minutes. This setting is off by default.
  • Require users to complete every question in each test attempt: For courses with a passing threshold of less than 100%, this setting prevents learners from skipping a question and leaving an answer blank. This is checked by default.
  • Require learners to view all course pages before they can access the mastery test: Check this setting to require learners to review all course content before they can take the test. The test is locked until this requirement is met. This is checked by default. You should uncheck this option if you selected the option to allow Pre-test availability.
  • Require learners to view a video in its entirety at a normal speed before moving to the next video: When checked, this setting disables the Next button and the option to fast-forward in the player. When checked, learners are required to play the full audio or video before they can move to the next one. Learners are also unable to access the player audio controls. This setting is checked by default. If you uncheck this setting, the system uses the values specified in Set maximum video playback speed and Allow fast forwarding through videos to guide learners in the player.
    • Set maximum video playback speed: This setting limits the playback speed that learners can select in the player settings. The Playback speed default is 1. Options include 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, and 2. For example, if you set the max playback speed to 1.75, learners cannot set the playback speed to 2 in the player.
    • Allow fast forwarding through videos: This setting allows learners to fast forward through videos in the player.
  • Disable fullscreen on mobile devices that don’t enforce linear navigation: When checked, learners taking content on mobile devices that don’t enforce linear navigation are restricted from playing videos in fullscreen mode. This is checked by default.

Configure site-wide completion settings

Site-wide settings are applied to all Skillsoft compliance content in your library that does not have a course-specific override. You typically set this once and forget it, but you can change it at any time and not impact course override settings.

To configure site-wide completion settings:

  1. Select Content > Completion Criteria. The Compliance Course Completion Settings page displays.
  2. Expand Basic course completions settings.
  3. Make any changes to the Basic course completion settings.
  4. Select Save changes.
  5. Expand Advanced course completion settings.
  6. Make any changes to Advanced course completion settings Changes are saved automatically.
  7. Select Save changes.

Override site-wide completion settings for a course

For any Skillsoft compliance course, you can choose to have different completion settings than the site-wide settings. You can choose settings for a course that are more or less strict than the site-wide settings. Course-specific settings persist until you change them or reset them back to the default site-wide settings.

To override site-wide completion settings for one or more courses:

  1. Select Content > Completion Criteria. The Compliance Course Completion Settings page displays.
  2. From the Courses with completions override section, select Find courses.

  3. Search for course(s) you wish to override. You may filter the search by language if desired.

  4. Select one or more course(s) for override. All courses you select at one time will assume the same override settings. If you need courses to have different override settings from each other, you have to repeat the process and select different courses and different settings. As you make your selections, they display in the Selected courses tab.
  5. Once you have selected all courses that should have the same override settings, select Next: Set completion overrides.
  6. Choose the completion settings for both Basic and Advanced settings.
  7. Select Save override. The course(s) you just modified now display in the Courses with completion overrides table.

Courses with completion overrides

The Courses with completion overrides shows a list of all courses that contain overrides. If a course does not show in the list, it uses the site-wide completion settings.

To get the view you want, you can sort and filter this list using the icons in the column headings.

You can also show and hide the columns you want to view within the table. Select the Columns setting on the right and check the columns you want to show and uncheck the columns you want to hide.

Note: For settings that are left blank when setting a course override, the site-wide settings will be used.

Columns available

The following columns of information are available in the course override table:

  • Course Title: The title, or name, of the course.
  • CourseID: The unique integer ID stored by the Compliance system.
  • Course Number: An alpha numeric identifier used by Skillsoft's ordering systems, catalog, etc.
  • Score: The value you specified in the Minimum test score field in Basic settings.
  • Test score model: The option you selected for Test score model in the Basic settings, either Average or Each test.
  • Course complete when: The option selected in the Basic completion settings that shows how a learner must achieve completion.
  • Min course time: The value specified in the Minimum total time in course required for completion in Advanced settings.
  • Max test attempts: The value specified in Maximum number of test attempts in Advanced settings.
  • Test completeness: The value indicates how you configured the Require users to complete every question in each test attempt in Advanced settings. A value of True indicates that the learner must answer all test questions.
  • Max playback: If you allow users to view a video faster than normal speed, this is the value you selected for the Set maximum video playback speed in Advanced settings.
  • Modified by: The name of the person who made the modification to the completion setting. If the value is System default, then one of two things has happened:
    • The course has a regulatory-driven minimum time requirement. To ensure these courses are configured properly in all sites, Skillsoft specifies the correct settings to the minimum total time in course field for impacted courses.
    • A course without a test uses default site-wide settings, and thus cannot be completed by learners. Skillsoft sets the visitation from Achieve minimum test score to View all content pages for impacted courses, so learners can achieve completion.
  • Last modified: The date the completion settings were last modified.

View override details

The table provides you with a quick glance of the details about a course override. If you want to double-check all settings, you can view the override details.

To view the override details:

  1. Sort or filter the columns, then scroll to find the course in the list.
  2. From the More actions menu of the course, actions menu icon, gray elipse, select View override. A summary page displays all settings for this course.

Change a course override

To change a course(s) override:

  1. Sort or filter the columns, then scroll to find the course(s) in the list.
  2. You can change an override for one course or several at a time.
    • To change an override for a single course: from the More actions menu of that course, actions menu icon, gray elipse, select Change override.
    • To change an override for several courses at once:
      1. Select Actions.
      2. Locate and select all courses that require a change.
      3. Select Change override.
  3. Make any changes to the Basic and Advanced settings.
  4. Select Save override. All settings are updated for all courses selected.

Remove a course override

To remove a course(s) override:

  1. Sort or filter the columns, then scroll to find the course(s) in the list.
  2. You can remove an override for one course or several at a time.
    • To remove an override for a single course: from the More actions menu of that course, actions menu icon, gray elipse, select Remove override.
    • To change an override for several courses at once:
      1. Select Actions.
      2. Locate and select all course that require a change.
      3. Select Remove override.
  3. Confirm that you want the course to revert to its default completion settings. Default completion settings are either:
    • Site-wide settings because the course does not show a value of System default in the Modified by column. In this case, the course gets removed from the table.
    • Default override settings because the course does show a value of System default in the Modified by column. In this case, the course remains in the table with its system defaults.