Questionnaires vs. Assessments

The Certitude tool allows you to create either a questionnaire or an assessment. While both types are intended to query your learners, there are several differences between the two.

Additional information about questionnaires

  • Questionnaires are not scored upon completion
  • Answers to questions can be either:
    • multiple choice
    • select all that apply
    • written response
  • A selected answer can prompt
    • a request for further explanation
    • one or more follow-up questions
  • If a variant answer is submitted:
    • reviewers can be notified
    • reports can be run specifically on users who selected variant answers
  • When the user completes a questionnaire, one of the following completion messages displays:
    • if no variant answers are submitted the learner receives a standard message
    • if a variant answer is submitted the learner receives a variant completion message

Additional information about assessments

  • Assessments are scored upon completion
  • Answers to questions can be either:
    • multiple choice
    • select all that apply
  • Questions cannot have follow-up questions or requests for further explanation
  • The completion message indicates whether the learner passed or failed
  • If the learner fails, an unlimited number of retry attempts is allowed