Editing the Distribution List

The Distribution List defines the email recipients. All emails include a default distribution list based on the type of email sent. For example, all User emails are sent only to learners whose data is included in the results, all Supervisor emails are sent only to supervisors of those learners, and all Administrator emails are sent only to site administrators with a security level of 10. This is true for all standard and all custom emails.

Standard emails

You cannot edit the distribution list of the standard emails, except in the case of Administrator emails where you can select up to 25 individual administrators instead of the default of all administrators.

To edit the Distribution List for the Administrator standard emails

  1. On the Email Notifications Home page, select Actions > Edit next to the email you want to edit.
  2. From the Shortcuts menu, click Distribution List.
  3. Enter the administrator's email address.
  4. Click Add.

To remove an email from the list, select it and click Remove.

You can add up to 25 individual email addresses.

Custom emails

While the default list of recipients in custom emails is still determined by the email type, you can edit the Distribution List to refine and target the recipients. You can select options such as specific courses, or a course status or due date. You can select the learner status, or attributes the learner is associated with. Each time an email is evaluated, it is sent only to the learners who meet that criteria, or in the case of supervisor emails, only to supervisors of those learners. Administrators receive an email that includes the data for all learners who meet the criteria. For more information, including examples, see Custom Emails About the Distribution List.

To edit the Distribution List for custom emails

  1. From the Shortcuts menu, click Distribution List.
  2. distribution list page

  3. If desired, enter a custom name for the Distribution List Title. The title displays on the Email Configuration Main page.
  4. Note: Administrator emails do not include a Distribution List Title, as shown in the above image.
  5. If this is an Administrator email, accept the default of all administrators, or to add up to 25 individual addresses:
    1. For each administrator, enter the email address in the Enter Email Address field.
    2. Click Add.
    3. To remove an email, select it in the Email Addresses to receive email field and click Remove.
  6. Select either All Courses, or click in the Courses included in this email field and select specific courses in the drop down.
  7. Click the Delivery Method drop down to filter the list of courses by a delivery method type:
    • All Non-WBT AND WBT (Web Based Training)
    • WBT ONLY
    • Non-WBT ONLY
    • WBT-LP (Learning Program)
  8. Click the Learner Status drop down and select either:
    • Active
    • Inactive
    • All
  9. Note: To prevent inactive users from receiving a reminder email, select Active learners only.
  10. Click the Course Status drop down and select either:
    • Not Started or Incomplete
    • All
    • Complete
    • Incomplete
    • Not Started
    • Overdue
  11. Notes:
    • Use caution when selecting the course status. Selecting All or Complete may be appropriate for supervisor or administrator emails, but user emails are typically designed to remind learners about training that's due or overdue. Selecting All or Complete may confuse learners who've already completed the course.
    • Selecting a course status of Incomplete or Not Started may also return overdue courses.
    • Email notifications are not sent for optional courses.
    • Learning Programs only include data for the entire Learning Program and do not include information about individual courses within the Learning Program.
  12. If this is a recurring or non-recurring email (as shown in the image above), select one of the following:
    • Courses Due Date Within
    • Courses Assigned Date Within
    • Courses Complete Date Within

    If this is a training reminder email, select one of the following:

    • Courses Due Date In
    • Courses Assigned Date In
    • Courses Complete Date In
    • See About Custom Emails for information about how the "within" and "in" options effect the email recipients.

  13. Select Next or Last.
  14. Enter the number of Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s).
  15. Notes:
    • The Next option is only available for "Courses Due" dates. You cannot set the Next option for courses assigned or complete in or within a "next" time frame.
    • If you select Courses Due Within (or In) the Last amount of time, only overdue courses are included.
  16. Select Include ALL Overdue Courses regardless of due date, to ensure the email continues to send until the course is complete, regardless of other options selected.
  17. Narrow the list of users by attribute by clicking in an attribute field and selecting a value from the list.

    Optionally, narrow the list of users displayed by selecting additional values from one or more demographic attributes.

    Note: Users must be assigned all selected demographic values in order to show in the filtered list.

    All users that meet the criteria for that demographic attribute are listed.

    If you expect to see a filter but don't, someone may have excluded it from the list of filters that display because it contained too many values. When a demographic attribute has too many values, the page may not load. To include it:

    1. Go to Audiences then Attributes.
    2. Locate the attribute in the list, unselect the check box in the Exclude from filters list column.
    3. Select Update. The unchecked attribute displays on all pages where you can filter by demographic attribute.
  • Only learners associated with selected attributes are included in the email. If you select one or more attributes, the learner must be associated will all the attributes. For example, if you select a value for Location and Job Role, the learner must be associate with both attributes.
  • If you select more than one value for a single attribute, the learner only needs to be associated with one of the values. For example, if for Job Role you select Engineer and Welder, the learner only needs to be associated with one of the values.
  • If you associate a learner to an attribute that is already selected in an email, the learner is automatically included in future emails, if the course requirements are met.