Administrator Report, Email

The Administrator Report, Email provides information about email notifications sent to administrators within the last 6 months.

Supported output

  • Web browser: Results display immediately in the browser window.
  • CSV: Creates a comma delimited version of the report which is available for 48 hours on the reports main page under Current Reports. Once the report is processed, you can download it to your local storage device and open it in Excel or a similar program.
  • PDF: Creates a PDF version of the report which is available for 48 hours on the reports main page under Current Reports. Once the report is processed, click download to open it in a browser window.

Report filters

  • Sent in Last: Enter the number of Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s) to include in the data. Select All to see data for the past 6 months from 'today.'


Web output

  • Emails Sent in Last: Shows the days, weeks, or months if selected. Blank if no options selected.
  • Email Title: The title of the email sent to the user.
  • Email Address: The email address where the email was sent.
  • Sent Date: The most recent date the email was sent.
  • Recurring: Indicates whether or not the email is sent on a recurring basis.
  • Content: Click the content link to open the email sent to the user.

CSV output

  • Email Title: The title of the email sent to the user.
  • Email Address: The email address where the email was sent.
  • Sent Date: The most recent date the email was sent.
  • Recurring: Indicates whether or not the email is sent on a recurring basis.

PDF output

  • Email Title: The email name is used as a row header, with user data listed under each email.
  • Email Address: The email address where the email was sent.
  • Recurring: Indicates whether or not the email is sent on a recurring basis.
  • Sent Date: The most recent date the email was sent.