Select Advanced Options

Advanced options are typically used to import data from a different site, or if you need to update existing learner data.

To set advanced options

Click Show and select available options if needed. Advanced options vary depending on the import type.

Learner Import Advanced Options

  • Check Multiple demographic labels for a student for a demographic category?: If any of your demographic data fields include multiple values for a single category, select this option.
  • Add Learners with status of Inactive?: If checked, learners in the import file with an inactive status are not added to the site.
  • Default password: Creates a password for new users added to the site. Enter your own password, or accept the default Welcome. A password entered in the field will not overwrite the password for existing users.
  • Upload ALL Learners as: Change the default setting if you want to change the status of all learners in the import to either Active or Inactive.
  • Inactivate ALL learners not in the import?: USE CAUTION IF SELECTING THIS OPTION. If checked, any existing users in your site who are not included in the file are automatically set to Inactive. For example, if you have 10,000 existing users, but you are only updating one user's information with this import, ALL other existing users will be marked inactive.
  • Create Password for new Learners only?: Check this setting to prevent overwriting the existing users' passwords if the import file includes data for new and existing users, and the Password field is mapped to a column in the file.

Historical Completion Advanced Options

  • Include Inactive Learners: If checked (default setting), data for users with a status of Inactive is imported, if included in the import file. If unchecked, data for users with a status of Inactive is not imported, even if included in the import file.
  • Create Historical EQ for WBT Courses: Typically, the Historical Completions import is used to enter completions for non-web based training (non-WBT) content (content that cannot communicate with the LMS). When the system imports completion data, it searches for course Titles or IDs in the non-WBT catalog. If your import includes completion records for web based training (WBT) content, you must check this box or WBT content is skipped during the import.

    Only non-WBT content can be marked Complete (C). WBT content is marked as an Equivalency (EQ).

Create Group Advanced Options

  • Create Demographic Label: If the demographic label or attribute value does not already exist in the Compliance site, the value is added with the import.

Group Assignments and Individual Assignments Advanced Options

  • Overdue training requirements written: In general, when new assignments are created in the Compliance site, the system will not make a user immediately overdue, even if the calendar-based due date (initial or retraining) is an overdue date. If this box is checked, the system will give the user the exact calendar date in the import file, even if that date is in the past – making the user overdue after the import.