Multi-site Management
The Multi-site Management option supports those companies that need to have multiple independent Percipio sites (for things like subsidiaries, different branding requirements, different system integrations, or user segregation) with the ability to run aggregate license reports and share content across sites. All independent sites are grouped into one domain where there is a company domain administrator. The menu option, Sites, is where the domain administrator can manage all aspects of the Percipio domain, including:
- Creating new sites
- Editing existing sites
- Running aggregate license consumption reporting
- Managing content across sites
What is a Percipio domain?
A Percipio domain is a group of multiple, independent Percipio sites owned and operated by one company. You set up the Percipio sites in a hierarchical structure so that you can segment out licenses, run aggregate license reports, and share content.
You assign a site administrator to each Percipio site who can configure and manage the site independent from other sites in the domain. Each site can be set up in its own unique way including:
- Integrating with different talent or learning systems
- Enabling single sign-on
- Implementing Percipio compliance
- Configuring unique branding
- Setting up custom content and channels
- Adding users and creating audiences
Because all individual sites exist within one domain, the domain administrator can do aggregate license reporting across all sites and share content across all sites.
Frequently asked questions

To get multi-site enabled for your organization, consult with your Skillsoft account team who will first guide you through the decision making process and best practices, and then, if still appropriate, make the request to have the option enabled. Before engaging your Skillsoft account team, review this list of considerations.

Once the site management option is enabled by your Skillsoft account team, Skillsoft will give you a domain administrator log in credentials. You can have more than one domain administrator.

The cost of using multi-site depends on the requirements you need. Speak with your Skillsoft account team to determine your exact needs.

Domain admins can share content across all sites within a domain. Domain admins can also configure each site within the domain to allow site admins and content coordinators to share content and prevent sites from receiving shared content.