Learning Feedback Dashboard
The Learning Feedback dashboard shows you how satisfied learners are with the content they take and whether they would recommend it to others. From this dashboard you can see the highest and lowest ranked courses as well as individual course ratings. This helps you make decisions about where to focus your content development efforts.
Access the Dashboard
To access the dashboard and customize it for your needs:
- From the Analytics menu and the Dashboard section, select the Learning Feedback Dashboard.
Set global filters
To see just the data you need, Percipio allows you to specify global filters for this dashboard.
The global filters you set apply to all data presented on the page. To use global filters:
- Change the default filters by selecting an option from each filter you require.
- Select Update. The dashboard loads to match your filters.
- If needed, reset both global filters by selecting Use default filters.
Available global filters
- Date Range: Filters the data by a specified range of dates that you select from the drop-down list. You can also select a custom range from the beginning of one month to the end of the same month or the end of another month.
- Start: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify a start date. When you enter a Start date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom. The start date must be the first day of the month.
- End: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify an end date. When you enter an End date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom. The end date must be the last day of a month or today's date.
- Audience: Predefined group of users. Enter the name of an audience and then select it from the list. You can display the data for multiple audiences at the same time by entering more than one audience name.
- Collections: Select the name of a content collection to see learning activity associated with just that collection. A collection is a licensed unit of content.
- Content title: Enter the name of a title for a specific content item to see information associated with just that item.
- Type: Select the survey type to see learning feedback associated with just that content. Currently, you can filter to view learning feedback data for Courses and Live Courses.
You can also filter on the type, CAISY. However, because the survey questions for CAISY simulations are different than the rest of the survey questions, only the Net Promoter Score section of the dashboard populates with data when you select CAISY. To see all survey results for CAISY simulations, please use the Content Evaluation report.
The rating sections on the dashboard are not updated because ratings are from a different set of data. To get your feedback results for learning programs, contact your Skillsoft account team. Coming in a future release, the results will be on the Learning Feedback dashboard.
- Select to update your dashboard.
If you want to provide feedback on the dashboard, please select the Provide Feedback button in the upper right corner of the report.
Download the dashboard as a PDF by selecting the Download dashboard as PDF button. The PDF displays the data based on the filters you have selected.
Dashboard Description
The five distinct areas on the dashboard are:
- Banner: Shows a summary of all your feedback results based on the global filters specified.
- Learner satisfaction: Shows a summary of how satisfied learners were with all the content rated within the global filters specified.
- Learning application: Shows a summary of how learners felt about using the information contained within the content that they rated within the global filters specified.
- Net promoter score: Shows how likely learners are to recommend content overall.
- Highest-rated content: Shows the 10 highest-rated courses on your site based only on your organization's star ratings.
- Lowest-rated content: Shows the 10 lowest-rated courses on your site based only on your organization's star ratings.
- Learning feedback by title: For each title rated within the global filters specified, you can see how many learners rated the item and how their responses are distributed.
In the banner section you see the following information:
- Responses: The total number of surveys completed within the date range specified.
- Content items rated: The total number of unique items rated within the date range specified. This number could be lower than the number of responses if multiple learners completed a survey for the same content item.
- Positive experience: The percent of learners who answered either Somewhat satisfied or Extremely satisfied to the question: Overall, how satisfied were you with the content? For example, if you assume 100 learners submitted responses for this question and the answers are: 1 extremely dissatisfied, 2 somewhat dissatisfied, 12 neutral, 29 somewhat satisfied, and 56 extremely satisfied. Then percentage with a positive experience is 29%+ 56%= 85% .
- Application rate:The percent of learners who answered either Likely or Very likely to the question: How likely are you apply what you learned to your job?
Use the information in this section to gauge:
- How many learners are completing surveys and if you should try to increase participation.
- Whether the content is meeting learner expectations. If you have a positive experience rating higher than 80%, you can feel good about the experience your learners are having.
- Whether learners are applying what they learned. If you have an application rate higher than 80%, you can feel good that your learners are making an impact with the learning they achieved.
Learner satisfaction
This section has two tabs:
- Overall experience: Shows the distribution of how learners answered the question: Overall, how satisfied were you with the content? It showcases the positive experience percentage.
- Content features: For each content item, learners can rate up to 8 different components specific for that course. The question they answer is: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components? This chart shows the positive experience percentage for each component across all courses rated within the global filters specified.
Use the information in this section to gauge:
- How learners feel about the content contained in the courses
- Areas for improvement
Learning application
This section has three tabs:
- Learner motivation The percent distribution of how learners responded to this question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- Application potential: The percentage distribution of how much learners agreed with the following prompt: I am likely to apply the concepts I learned.
- Understanding of content: The percentage distribution of how much learners agreed with the following prompt: I understand the concepts taught in the course.
Use the information in this section to gauge:
- Whether learners will apply what they learned and if what you are trying to teach is making its way into business practices.
- Why learners are taking different courses. For example, if you discover learners are only taking courses when they are assigned and not for other reasons, you might consider why that is and if that is the culture you want to create.
Net promoter score (NPS)
This section shows the percentage distribution of learner responses to the question: How likely are you to recommend this course to others?
The answers to this question are used to calculate a Net Promoter Score (NPS). The NPS calculation is an industry standard and is calculated as follows: The percent of learners who chose 9 and 10, which is considered a promoter score minus the percent of learners who chose 0 through 6, which is considered a detractor. The percent of learners who chose 7 and 8 do not factor into the calculation because they are considered neither promoters nor detractors.
NPS = % Promoter - % Detractors
Use the information in this section to gauge the overall perception of your courses by your learners. Knowing how learners perceive your courses and what they are dissatisfied with can help you understand actions you might want to take to change that perception.
Highest-rated content
This section shows the top 10 highest-rated content based on star ratings. The following columns of information are available
Average Rating: The average star rating for the content based only on your organization's data.
Rating Responses: The number of learners in your organization who rated the content.
The ratings data is based only on your organization's star ratings and selected dashboard filters. This is different from the learner's experience. When learners view content items in Percipio, the star ratings that they see are aggregated across all sites to display the average rating and the number of learners who have rated the content.
Lowest-rated content
This section shows the bottom 10 lowest-rated content based on star ratings. The following columns of information are available
Average Rating: The average star rating for the content based only on your organization's data..
Rating Responses: The number of learners in your organization who rated the content.
The ratings data is based only on your organization's star ratings and selected dashboard filters. This is different from the learner's experience. When learners view content items in Percipio, the star ratings that they see are aggregated across all sites to display the average rating and the number of learners who have rated the content.
Learning feedback by title
This section shows for each content title rated the details of the ratings in a table format. The following columns of information are available:
- CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset. Select a title to view details for the feedback.
- SURVEY RESPONSES: The number of learners who responded to the survey for that content item.
- OVERALL EXPERIENCE: The positive experience percentage for that content title.
- APPLICATION RATE: The percent of learners who answered either Likely or Very likely to the question: How likely are you apply what you learned to your job?
- Average Rating: The average star rating for the content based only on your organization's data.
- Rating Responses: The number of learners in your organization who rated the content.
- CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
- CONTENT TYPE: The type of content. Content types can be subsets of asset types. Content types are equivalent to the asset type for courses, videos, books, audiobooks, audio summaries, book summaries, and journeys. When an asset type is set for assessment, you can see a content type of Skill Benchmark. When an asset type is set for linked content, you can see content types for AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content, and any custom content items you added. When an asset type is set for scheduled content, you see content types of live courses and live events.
- SOURCE: The source of the content item.
- CONTENT LOCALE: The language code for the content.
- ACCURACY & RELEVANCY: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Accuracy and Relevancy?
- PACE OF INSTRUCTION: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Pace of instruction.
- EXAMS AND KNOWLEDGE CHECKS: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Exams and knowledge checks.
- VISUAL DESIGN: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Visual design.
- PRACTICE OPPORTUNITIES: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Practice opportunities.
- SUPPLEMENTAL CONTENT: The percentage of learners who selected Extremely satisfied or Somewhat satisfied for the question: How would you rate your satisfaction level with the following course components: Supplemental content.
- NPS: The NPS for that content title.
- FOR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: The percentage of learners who selected this option to the question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS: The percentage of learners who selected this option to the question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- IT WAS ASSIGNED TO ME: The percentage of learners who selected this option to the question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- IT WAS RECOMMENDED TO ME: The percentage of learners who selected this option to the question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- TO PREPARE FOR CERTIFICATION: The percentage of learners who selected this option to the question: What best describes the reason you took this course?
- CONTENT UNDERSTANDING: The percentage of learners who selected Strongly agree or Agree for the question: I understand the concept taught in the course.
Use the information in this section for a detailed analysis of the responses for each title.
Learning feedback details
This page shows for details of the learning feedback for a selected content title. The following columns of information are available:
- COMPLETION ID: A unique identifier for a user completing the survey.
- SUBMISSION DATE: The date the user completed the survey.
- CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
- CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset.
- CONTENT TYPE: The type of content. Content types can be subsets of asset types. Content types are equivalent to the asset type for courses, videos, books, audiobooks, audio summaries, book summaries, and journeys. When an asset type is set for assessment, you can see a content type of Skill Benchmark. When an asset type is set for linked content, you can see content types for AI simulator, cheatsheets, interactive courses, test preps, labs, bootcamps, partner content, and any custom content items you added. When an asset type is set for scheduled content, you see content types of live courses and live events.
- SURVEY TYPE: The type of survey the learner completed. A Skillsoft survey is unique to the content type associated with it. Survey types are: Course, NASBA course, Live course, Learning program, CAISY AI Simulation, NASBA compliance course, Compliance course.
- QUESTION CATEGORY: A categorization of the question based on what it measures, for example, NPS or satisfaction.
- CONTENT SOURCE: The source of the content item.
- CONTENT LOCALE: The language of the asset. Available languages and their codes are listed here.
- QUESTION TEXT: The text of the question.
- RESPONSE TEXT: If the learner answers a question in a way that requires a follow-on response, that text is located here.
- QUESTION TYPE: The type of question the learner responded to. For example multiple choice or written response.
- QUESTION NUMBER: The number of the question. All questions in a single block have the same number. Use the Question Text to differentiate between those questions.
- ANSWER TEXT: How the learner responded to the question.
- IS QUESTION ACTIVE: Identifies if the question is active.