Bulk Import Many Users
With Percipio you can add multiple new users, update existing users, or both via the Bulk Import feature. Learning admins with permissions can add any user to any audience using bulk import, but can only edit users in audiences that they own with bulk import.
To get started with bulk import:
- From the Users menu, select User management.
- You need to complete a CSV template file before you can bulk import users. Select Download import template to add new users or you can select Download user list to modify existing users.
- Select Bulk import users to start the process.
Frequently asked questions about importing users

User login experience depends on your user account creation method and the options you choose. See User Login Experience for details.

Yes, but in order to do this, you must re-import the original CSV file.
To change your Welcome email date and/or time
- Follow the steps detailed in Bulk Import Many New Users.
- Browse to the same file you originally imported.
- Set the Welcome email date and time to the new date and time.
- Click Import.

Yes. When you update users via bulk import and leave fields blank, any values associated with that blank field are removed from the user's profile.
The only fields that do not change when left blank are the newPassword
and newExternalUserId
We recommend that, when updating existing users, you select Download list instead of Download template. When you download the list, it includes all current information for all of your user accounts, and is easier to make deliberate changes to only the required areas.

Yes. In your bulk import file, add a column entitled mustResetPassword
(use exact spelling and capitalization). Put the column anywhere after the loginName
and externalUserID
columns (A and B).
For each user who needs to reset a password, specify at least the user's loginName or externalUserID and then enter Yes in the mustResetPassword
column for that user.
Next time the user attempts to sign in, Percipio prompts them to change their password.

Yes. In your bulk import file, add a column entitled updatePassword
(use exact spelling and capitalization). Put the column anywhere after the loginName
and externalUserID
columns (A and B).
For each user who requires a new password, specify at least the user's loginName or externalUserID and then enter the new password in the updatePassword
column for that user. You might also want to consider forcing the users to reset their password at this point. For more details, see Bulk Import Rules.
Percipio does not notify the user of the password change.

No. Headers must match Percipio exactly as they display in the downloaded template or list. However, you can remove an entire column.

No. At this time, there is no functionality to delete users. You can change user statuses from active to inactive by entering inactive into their corresponding status

Yes for the list attribute type.
If a custom list attribute has the Allow multiple values to be selected for this attribute option selected, you can specify multiple values for an individual user by separating each value with a | (pipe) character.

If any of your attributes contain special characters, save the import file as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv) to maintain the special characters during the import.

Enclose an attribute value that contains a comma in double quotations to retain the comma within the attribute value. Continue using a comma to separate the attribute values.
Kelly, James, "Manager, HRIS", HR