Compliance Assignment Summary by User Report
The Compliance Assignment Summary by User report shows a summary of compliance assignments made to your learners and the status of each. This report only contains information on required compliance assignments and not optional assignments. You can filter data by date range, audience, or individual user.
Specify filters, then click Display Table to view the report data in the current window, or click Start CSV Download to generate a CSV file. If you chose Start CSV Download, a message displays with a link to the Reports download tab. Click it to view the CSV download progress and/or open the CSV file.
- Date filters: The Date filters apply to the DUE DATE column.
- Date Range Presets: A drop-down list of date ranges that filters the data to the selected range. Select Custom to enter specific dates.
- Start: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify a start date. When you enter a Start date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
- End: Instead of using a Date Range preset, use this to specify an end date. When you enter an End date, the Date Range Presets filter changes to Custom.
- Audience: Predefined group of users. Enter the name of an audience and then select it from the list. You can display the data for multiple audiences at the same time by entering more than one audience name.
- User: Individual with a Percipio user account. Enter a user's name to filter the report to include that user.

The following columns are available in the Compliance Assignment Summary by User report:
- CONTENT ID: Unique identifier for the Skillsoft content item.
- CONTENT TITLE: The title of the asset.
- STATUS: The status of the content based on user progress. The status is not impacted by the Date filters. For all content items you could see Started or Completed. For live courses, you may also see the following values in the Status column: Registered, Approval pending, Canceled, Denied, and Wait listed. When learners restart a course, you see either Restarted or Completed.
- USER ID: The value entered in the User ID attribute. It is used to identify a user inside Percipio.
- USER STATUS: The status of the user, active or inactive.
- FIRST NAME: The value entered in the First name user attribute. Usually the user's first name.
- LAST NAME: The value entered in the Last name user attribute. Usually the user's last name.
- EMAIL ADDRESS: The value entered in the Email address user attribute; the user's email address.
- DUE DATE: The date the assignment is (or was) due.
- LAST ACCESS DATE: The last date within the filtered date range that the user accessed the content.
- COMPLETED DATE: The date the user completed the content. This date is not impacted by the Date Range Presets filter.
- EXEMPTION EXPIRATION DATE: The date the Exemption for the course expires, if the learner's status is EX (Exemption).