Assign Audience Exemptions and Equivalencies

You can assign exemptions and equivalencies to users within an Audience. The Date, Expiration Date (for exemptions) and Justification specified will be the same for all users.

Note: In order to assign an exemption or equivalency, users with your level of security must be granted read and change access to the Exemptions and Equivalencies features.
  1. Click Audiences > Exemptions and Equivalencies.
  2. Select a course from the Course drop-down.

    All users assigned that course are immediately listed.

  3. Optionally, you can filter the group of users listed by clicking Select Demographic Filters.

  4. Click the drop down for the demographic and select the desired value.

    Optionally, narrow the list of users displayed by selecting additional values from one or more demographic attributes.

    Note: Users must be assigned all selected demographic values in order to show in the filtered list.

    All users that meet the criteria for that demographic attribute are listed.

    If you expect to see a filter but don't, someone may have excluded it from the list of filters that display because it contained too many values. When a demographic attribute has too many values, the page may not load. To include it:

    1. Go to Audiences then Attributes.
    2. Locate the attribute in the list, unselect the check box in the Exclude from filters list column.
    3. Select Update. The unchecked attribute displays on all pages where you can filter by demographic attribute.
  5. Click Select.

  6. The list of users updates to include only users who meet the filter criteria, and have an open requirement with a status of incomplete for this course.

  7. To waive the course
    1. Click the Exemption option.
    2. Enter the date the exemption expires and the date you granted the exemption.
  8. To grant an equivalency
    1. Click the Equivalency option.
    2. Enter the date you granted the equivalency.
  9. Enter a justification for either option. Max character limit is 200. A justification becomes part of the record and is visible in reports.
  10. Select the users to whom you want to grant the exemption or equivalency.
  11. Select all users in the list by clicking the check box in the column header, or you can select specific users by clicking the check box beside each name.

    You may also enter a certificate URL for each user. The certificate URL is a link to a customer-hosted document associated with the user’s exemption or equivalency (for example, medical exemption note or completion certificate from another source). The certificate URL will show in CSV reports.

  12. Click Save Changes.