Edit User Information

Since Compliance user accounts are created in Percipio, the user information you can edit in Compliance is limited to changing a user's security level and activating the send email option. Additionally, you can download the user information.

To edit user information

  1. From the Compliance menu, select User > User Information.
  2. Ensure Edit User Info is selected in the Select administrative function drop down.
  3. Search for the user by Last Name, UserID, or Demographic. Optionally, click Get All Users.
  4. Click the user's name in the list.
  5. In the Edit User page:
    1. The Send Email to User has two options:
      1. Yes: Selected by default, the user receives automatic email notifications.
      2. No: Choose this option if you do not want users to receive assignment notifications. The user still receives supervisor notifications if the user's email address exists in the supervisor or level 2 supervisor field of another user.
    2. If you want the user's supervisor or level 2 supervisor to receive email notifications for this user, verify their email addresses display next to the corresponding field. If not, see Map Supervisor Emails for more information.
    3. Click the Security Level drop down and select the level to assign to the user. See Define Security Levels for more information.
    4. Click Download User information to download a CSV file with the user's account information.
    5. Click Submit.