Keyboard shortcuts are only available for desktop learners.
To navigate to the navigation bar, use the Tab key (or Shift + Tab keys) to move the focus until it reaches a button. To select a button, press the Space Bar or Enter key.
Common Keyboard Shortcuts
Answer Later: Ctrl + Shift + A
Audio Description: Ctrl + Alt + D
Auto Advance On/Off: Alt + Shift + A
Begin Course or Return to Bookmark: Shift + T
Begin Test button: Ctrl + Shift + S
Click or double click: Space bar or Enter
Close Course Index: Ctrl + Shift + C
Close Status page: Ctrl + Shift + C
Drop Option: In the Options menu, select from the list of allowed locations.
End Test button: Alt + Shift + N
Exit the Player: Ctrl + Shift + E
Keyboard Shortcut Hint Dialog window: Ctrl + Shift + K
Launch the Help window: Ctrl + Shift + H
Maximize/Restore Down: Alt + Shift + V
Next Page: Alt + Period
Next Topic: Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Open Captions panel: Alt + Shift + C
Open Course Index: Ctrl + Alt + I
Open Job Aids: Ctrl + Shift + O
Open Learning Points dialog: Alt + Shift + L
Open Mentoring: Ctrl + Shift + M
Open NASBA Information: Ctrl + Shift + B
Open Settings dialog: Alt + Shift + S
Open Resources dialog: Ctrl + Shift + R
Open Settings: Alt + Shift + S
Open SkillBriefs window: Ctrl+ Shift + L
Open Status page: Ctrl + Shift + S
Open Transcript: Ctrl+ Shift + L
Pick up Option:Press the Space Bar or Enter on an option to display a menu of allowed locations.
Play Audio/Stop Audio: Ctrl + Shift + I
Previous Page: Alt + Comma
Previous Topic: Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Print Completion Status/Test Score Report: Ctrl + Shift + P
Progress & Tests tab: Alt + Shift + M
Retake Test: Ctrl + Shift + A
Retry Test: Ctrl + Shift + I
Return to Table of Contents/Progress & Tests Tab: Alt + Shift + M
Right click: Shift + F10 (on Macintosh use Ctrl + Space)