Skillsoft Mobile Player v2.5 SR2 (2.5.211) - April 2015
Changes and Modifications
Support for Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) has been added. IE9 displays some content differently from other HTML5 browsers. Some of the minor, cosmetic differences include:
Scroll bar displays vary.
Gradient colors are not supported; instead, solid colors display.
Fly-in text and animations no longer appear on the introductory page of Business Impacts and Challenges. The Player opens directly into the content.
Bug Fixes
An issue that was causing Academy courses to not close in IE11 has been resolved. (CR 180547)
An issue that was causing a course to become unresponsive when clicking on "status" within the course window has been resolved. (CR 180787)
An issue that was causing a content navigation issue in Chrome has been resolved. (CR 180389)
In the test questions where you have two or more categories to split your answers into, if you accidentally place an answer into the wrong category, you are unable to adjust your answer. This issue has been resolved. (CR 180931)