Skillsoft Course Player v3.1 SR1 (3.1.121) - December 2016
Changes and Enhancements
Compliance PSV Courses do not run on smartphones.
An accessibility logic change when using Chrome and Firefox has been implemented.
The player tutorial is now delivered in an accessible media player.
Bug Fixes
CR 203158: When a learner closes a menu in Zoom mode, the player now announces this change in state to the learner.
CR 205401: The 'alt' attribute has been removed from <button> elements, and alternative text is now provided within a hidden span.
CR 205879: In JAWS, an issue causing audio content to be interrupted by JAWS state announcement has been fixed.
CR 205979: In JAWS, an issue causing dialog focus mismanagement has been fixed.
CR 206014: An issue where the duration tracking in the player could be slightly different from that in Skillport, depending upon when the data was sent, has been fixed.
CR 206189: In JAWS, when a dialog box is open, focus order is restricted until the dialog box is closed to prevent learners from losing their place.
CR 206222: Drag and drop options have been updated to allow navigation via the arrow keys.
CR 206265: In JAWS, text fields that were missing programmatically associated labels have been fixed.
CR 206274: In JAWS, the order of page content has been updated, so that the screen reader can convey the content in the same logical way as the HTML page displays it.
CRs 206277, 206665: In JAWS, certain ambiguous hidden headings have been clarified to help screen reader users navigate course pages by section.
CR 206287: In JAWS, iframes now all have a title.
CR 206330: In JAWS, an issue causing a course's introductory video caption dialog to announce over the video's own audio has been fixed.
CR 206374: In JAWS, when navigating to a new page, only the title and page number are announced.
CR 206449: Focus now returns to trigger elements when expanded content is collapsed.
CR 206477: In JAWS, list semantics have been updated, so that list elements are easily discoverable.
CR 206478: In JAWS, an issue causing the screen reader to read out duplicate information has been fixed.
CR 206482: In JAWS, in some courses that have received updates, an issue causing older list items to be visible, yet not conveyed by the screen reader, has been fixed.
CR 206486: In JAWS, when the Replay button is activated on certain pages, an issue causing the screen reader to announce redundant information over the page's audio has been fixed.
CR 206494: In JAWS, hidden unnamed toggle buttons are no longer exposed and announced.
CR 206539: In JAWS, some labels relating to code samples have been updated to be programmatically associated with their respective text fields.
CR 206540: In JAWS, in text fields, if a learner enters the incorrect answer, the correct answer information is now provided when it appears on the page.
CRs 206580, 208984: So that focus is obvious, button and image highlights have been improved to include an extra white dotted outline.
CR 206601: An issue where a page contained identical headings in <h1> and <h2> sections has been fixed.
CR 206606: In JAWS, an issue where a page contained duplicate heading identification has been fixed.
CRs 206621, 206647, 206663, 206664, 208984: In JAWS, all links in pages are now underlined by default. Underlines are replaced with a border on hover and focus.
CR 206648: In JAWS, transcripts have been updated to contain only one <h1> heading.
CR 206666: In JAWS, an issue causing the iframe to unnecessarily fall into keyboard tab focus order has been fixed.
CR 206667: In JAWS, an issue causing empty controls to fall into keyboard tab focus order has been fixed.
CR 206688: An issue causing some diagrams to not display correctly has been fixed.
CR 206704: Keyboard focus now adjusts to the discrete appropriate element in focus.
CR 206705: In JAWS, an issue causing list items to be read out twice has been fixed.
CR 206716: In JAWS, links that were not announcing they would open in a new window have been fixed.
CR 206724: In JAWS, after answering checkbox-based questions, checkbox roles have been updated to button roles to correctly indicate that they are no longer selectable.
CR 206731: In JAWS, when a learner completes exercises within a course and is confronted with an Up Next dialog box, the information is now read out in total.
CR 206751: An issue causing audio to not auto-play on the first slide of a pretest has been fixed.
CR 206752: An issue causing the video to load without sound has been fixed.
CR 207106: The Previous Topic and Next Topic arrow colors have been adjusted to meet 4.5:1 contrast ratio requirements.
CRs 207534, 207680: An issue causing a question button to remain inactive has been fixed.
CR 207687: If a course contains a bookmarked page that has been removed in a course update, the course launches page one of the course.
CR 207997: In IE, if the advanced setting Play sounds in webpages was not enabled, the player would not launch. This issue has been fixed.
CR 207652: An issue where a learner couldn't interact with the Show Me button until audio had finished playing has been fixed.
CR 207769: In JAWS, in certain dialogs that contain a help link, the link now contains an accurate tooltip and alerts the user that the help launches in a new window.
CR 207770: Course test pages have been updated to read out a unique <h1> that provides information specific to the page.
CR 207772: In JAWS, an issue causing a fragmented heading to read out, excluding the learner's name, has been fixed.
CR 207775: In JAWS, an issue causing text to not read out on the 'Conditions of Self Monitored' training splash page unless the h key is pressed has been fixed.
CR 207786: Initial focus in the Conditions of Self Monitored Training dialog has been fixed to focus on the dialog box instead of the Agree button.
CR 209126: In JAWS, on pages in a video course, the screen reader will now read out "page 2 of 3" instead of "topic 2 of 3".
CR 209130: In JAWS, the heading title is always read out before the page number.
CR 209131: In JAWS, after selecting the Done button, an issue causing the question number to be read out during feedback has been fixed.
CR 209158: In JAWS, an issue causing page number/topic title to be read out several times after selecting certain hotspots/buttons has been fixed.
CR 209162: In JAWS, when navigating back to answered questions from the question status dialog, an issue causing the text 'feedback' to be read out instead of a course-level <h1> heading has been fixed.
CR 209170: In JAWS, in test mode after selecting the Next button, an issue where the Case Study Sim Dialog items can't be read out by the screen reader has been fixed.
CR 209172: In JAWS, page numbers will no longer read out on the About and Course Index pages.
CR 209174: In JAWS, page numbers will no longer read out on the single page PSV topics.
CR 209461: In JAWS, an issue where "question x of y" read out, instead of "page x of y", has been fixed.
CR 209521: In JAWS, an issue that was causing the player to hang after selecting the Course Test button has been fixed.