Skillsoft Course Player v3.1 SR5 (3.1.560) - October 2017
Changes and Enhancements
Support for Text-Only Localizations
CPT-682: Some new French, German and Spanish courses are using an English audio track. The captions, however, are in the course language, so Closed Captions now open by default for these courses.
Percipio Single Stream Publishing
Added support for courses originally published in Percipio to be brought into Skillport.
Known Issue
CPT-733: JAWS18 reads out the entire page when selecting an answer or clicking "Done" in a matching page.
Bug Fixes
SPT-281: Fixed an issue when a user tries to answer test questions prior to the end of the audio being played.
SPT-636: Fixed and issue with a SkillStudio modified course with blank captions that would occasionally freeze.
Accessibility-Related Issues
All learners can now control whether an Audio Description Video is played or not:
CPT-85: Added a control to enable/disable Audio Descriptions (AD Switch). Available in both standard and 508 launches.
The presence of Code Samples within content is now much clearer for a JAWS user:
CPT-152: Improved clarity so AT users recognize when they are reviewing code samples.
CPT-692: Inserted "Start of code" and "End of code" hidden text around code blocks.
CPT-696: Removed code items to ARIA-Live region.
CPT-697: Inserted audio tags to indicate the start and end of code highlights.
Updates to Completion Status Report and Course Test Summary pages:
CPT-145: Improved tab panel support for Tab and Arrow keys on the Course Test Results page in 508 mode.
CPT-559: JAWS now reads the Course Test summary scores in an understandable mode.
CPT-609: Improved the expandable/collapsible table rows in the Course Test Results page in 508 mode.
JAWS now reads the Course Test summary scores correctly for Final Exams, Test Preps and Assessment Only courses.
CPT-90: "Test Scores" is now a heading in the Completion Status Report to improve JAWS functionality.
CPT-560: Improved the table layout to make Completion Criteria options clearer in the Completion Status Report.
Updates to Click-In Graphic Template:
Improved how JAWS reads the list of answers.
CPT-618: Improved focus indication in Click-In Graphic for both standard and 508 learners.
Buttons are now announced as "toggle buttons in Click In Graphic Template."
Other Accessibility Fixes:
CPT-159:Topic Transition Links are now more obvious for regular and 508 users.
CPT-573: On buildable pages, the label is now excluded from the tab order when initially hidden.
CPT-656: Updated the Player Help to improve how links are displayed.
CPT-660: ThePlayer Menu panel items are now organized as lists which improves JAWS functionality.
CPT-150: You can nowTab through matched answers.
CPT-783: Improved how JAWS reads questions that contain Histograms.