Retired Library Courses Report (CSV only)
The Retired Library Courses Report lists all retired courses currently on the site. For each retired course it shows the number of learning programs, group assignments, and individual assignments that contain that retired course. The purpose of the report is to assist administrators in identifying retired content so they may take the necessary steps to modify assignments and learning programs accordingly.
The report is available in CSV only.
Supported output
- CSV: Creates a comma delimited version of the report which is available for 48 hours on the reports main page under Current Reports. Once the report is processed, you can download it to your local storage device and open it in Excel or a similar program.

From Last visit date: Optionally enter a date to exclude retired content that was not accessed recently. The report only shows retired content that was accessed from the date you specify until today.
CSV output
- Course Title: The title, or name, of the course.
- CourseID: The unique integer ID stored by the Compliance system.
- Skillsoft Course Number: An alpha numeric identifier used by Skillsoft's ordering systems, catalog, etc.
- LANGUAGE: The locale of the content, for example English, French, or German.
- Learning Programs: The number of learning programs that contain the retired course
- Group Assignments: The number of group assignments that contain the retired course
- Individual Assignments: The number of individual assignments that contain the retired course
- Last Date of Access: The date the learner last visited, or launched, the course.
- Total Accesses: The total number of times within the filtered date range that content was accessed. For example, if a learner launches the same course 3 times within the specified date range, the total accesses is 3.