Learning Plan Assignments by Demographic
The Learning Plan Assignments by Demographic report lists all assignments associated with each audience (demographic group) at any given time.
Supported output
- Web browser: Results display immediately in the browser window.
- PDF: Creates a PDF version of the report which is available for 48 hours on the reports main page under Current Reports. Once the report is processed, click download to open it in a browser window.
- CSV: Creates a comma delimited version of the report which is available for 48 hours on the reports main page under Current Reports. Once the report is processed, you can download it to your local storage device and open it in Excel or a similar program.
Report filters

Delivery Method: Only lists courses based on the selected delivery method. Default is all courses.
Courses Status: Lists courses based on a status of Active, Inactive, or All. Default is Active.

Training Type: Filters based on whether the course is Optional or Required. Default is All course assignments.

Demographic Filters include all user attributes associated with your organization. For each attribute, select the value you want to filter by. If you filter by more than one attribute, users must be associated with each attribute value selected.
For example, if you select the State value of Arizona, and the City value of Phoenix, only users assigned both values are included in the report results.
Web output
Results are grouped by audience with the Audience Name as the section header. Details are listed for each course assigned directly to that audience.
- Query Criteria: Lists all parameters, filters, and options selected for the report.
- Course: The name of the course.
- Delivery: Indicates the delivery method for the course, such as WBT, non-WBT, or Link.
- Required: Indicates whether or not the course is required (Yes) or not (No).
- Initial Training: Indicates the initial training due date for the course. Value is either the number of days (IE: 90 days), or a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- Assignment Type: Indicates if the course is a one time only (OTO) course, recurs by due date (RDD), or recurs by completion date (RCD). See About Initial, One Time Only, and Recurring Assignments for more information.
- Valid, days: Indicates how many days the completion is valid for. See Valid Completions in the About Completions topic for more information.
- Due Date: The date the course is due for completion.
- Threshold: Indicates the passing threshold that learners must meet to complete the course. See Completion Criteria for more information about the passing threshold.
- Test Out: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- TestOut Threshold: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Pre-test: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Group:Indicates the name of audience or individual to which the assignment was directly made.
PDF output
Results are grouped by audience with the Audience Name as the section header. Details are listed for each course assigned to that audience.
- Course Title: Depending on the Group By option, the title is either a row header, or the first column under the row header.
- Deliv: Indicates the delivery method for the course, such as WBT, non-WBT, or Link.
- Valid, days: Indicates how many days the completion is valid for. See Valid Completions in the About Completions topic for more information.
- Min Score: The minimum score required for the learner to complete the course, as defined in the Learning Plan Assignment.
- Test Out: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Testout Min: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Pre-test: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Required: Indicates whether or not the course is required (Yes) or not (No).
- Due Date: The date the course is due for completion.
- Assignment Type: Indicates if the course is a one time only (OTO) course, recurs by due date (RDD), or recurs by completion date (RCD). See About Initial, One Time Only, and Recurring Assignments for more information.
- Initial Training: Indicates the initial training due date for the course. Value is either the number of days (IE: 90 days), or a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- Group From: Indicates the name of the audience or individual to which the assignment was directly made.
CSV output
- Group: The name of the audience assigned the course.
- Course: The name of the course.
- Delivery: Indicates the delivery method for the course, such as WBT, non-WBT, or Link.
- Valid: Indicates how many days the completion is valid for. See Valid Completions in the About Completions topic for more information.
- MinScore: The minimum score required for the learner to complete the course, as defined in the Learning Plan Assignment.
- Test Out: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Testout Min: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Pre-test: Legacy information that is no longer used in the Compliance system.
- Required: Indicates whether or not the course is required (Yes) or not (No).
- Next Due Date: The next date the course is due for completion.
- Assignment Type: Indicates if the course is a one time only (OTO) course, recurs by due date (RDD), or recurs by completion date (RCD). See About Initial, One Time Only, and Recurring Assignments for more information.
- Initial Training: Indicates the initial training due date for the course. Value is either the number of days (IE: 90 days), or a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD).
- Group From: Indicates the name of the audience or individual to which the assignment was directly made.
- Skill Course No: An alpha numeric identifier used by Skillsoft's ordering systems, catalog, etc.
- Open for Initial Training: For the initial training, the number of days before the due date the course will be available for launching.
- Open for Retraining: For a recurring course, the number of days before the recurring due date the course will be available for launching.