Compliance Learning Program Report
When you are in Percipio Compliance, you see a Learning Program report, which reports on compliance learning programs and their content.
Supported output
- Web browser: Results display immediately in the browser window.
Print to CSV: You cannot run the report with a CSV output. However you can print a CSV copy from the web output. Printing the report immediately downloads a CSV version to your downloads area.
Report filters
Include inactive: When selected, the learning program report will include both active and inactive learning programs.
Both the web output with option to print to a CSV contain the same columns of data:
- Learning program ID: The system-generated ID for the learning program.
- Learning Program Title: The title of the learning program.
- Learning Program Active: Yes, indicates that the learning program is active in the library. No, indicates that the learning program is not active.
- Learning Program Minimum Time: Minimum time required in learning program content to receive completion.
- Course ID: Course ID for the course in the learning program. If there are multiple courses in one learning program, each course has its own line in the report.
- Course Title: Course title for the course in the learning program.
- Skillsoft Course Number: Skillsoft course number for the course in the learning program.
- Required/Optional Course: R indicates the course is required. O indicates the course is optional.
- Course folder title: The name of the folder within the learning program where the course resides.
- Learning Program Creation Date: The date the learning program was created.
- Assigned: Yes indicates that the learning program is assigned to at least one learner/audience. No indicates that the learning program is not assigned.
- Last Accessed Date: The last date the learning program was accessed.
- Mapped Learning Program ID: The ID of the English learning program that the learning program is language mapped to (if applicable).
- Mapped Learning Program Name: The name of the English learning program that the learning program is language mapped to (if applicable).
- Mapped Language: The language of the learning program that is mapped to the English learning program (if applicable).