If the Support Representative finds that they have exhausted all normal troubleshooting options and have not resolved the issue they escalate the case to the Customer Service Team Leader group, who routes the escalation to the appropriate Level II resource within Customer Support.
Level II Support personnel follow-up with the customer before 5:00PM EST the following business day (average response time 4 hours). Troubleshooting continues with the customer until such time as the issue is resolved or until an escalation to an external Skillsoft support resource is required (i.e. Application Engineers, Development, Operations, Hosting etc.) for further troubleshooting and final resolution.
In the event that our Level II support team is unable to make contact with the customer on first attempt, a voice mail will be left (where possible) which contains instructions on how to make contact for additional support. If the customer fails to make contact with support within one business day, a second attempt at contact is initiated. If the customer still fails to make contact with support within one additional business day a final contact is attempted by phone, followed immediately by email. This final contact attempt apprises the customer that we hope their lack of response is due to their issue being resolved, but that we are ready to assist if required. The customer is instructed to contact Support quoting their existing case number so that their issue can be reopened if the issue persists. At this point the Salesforce case is moved to a CLOSED – NO RESPONSE status.

Content issues should be documented in as much detail as possible through email, web form or reported by phone. Content issues are fully resolved, on average, in less than 20-days from the point of initial trouble report from a customer. Skillsoft Customer Support does have the ability to escalate content issues deemed critical/sensitive in nature to ensure the promptest possible resolution time.
- First-level Customer Support Representative replicates the issue.
- The Representative gathers the information (Screen shots, location of error, course title and number, etc.)
- Once isolated, the issue is labeled with a priority, and assigned a case number. The Customer Support Representative escalates the issue to the content review group.
- The Skillsoft Quality Assurance team informs Customer Support of the content issue resolution and, subsequently, when the updated content has been re-released.
- Throughout this process Customer Support continually contacts the client with updates and closes the case once resolved.