Issue Classification Schema

Customer Support classifies each service request using two qualifiers:

This classification schema is the cornerstone around which all support processes flow. The business rules on which they are built is monitored by Salesforce to ensure service levels are enforced and that Management is aware of concerns before they escalate.


The Severity of a service request refers to the impact to the customer of the issue on our customer base. It categorizes the technical issue in terms of the effect it has on the application’s operation. The Severity is based on objective observations, its value remains the same throughout the life of the support case, unless circumstances dictate otherwise (such as an issue propagating to a larger customer base or affecting other components of the application not discovered at time of reporting the issue).

Severity Level


Can be set by

S1- Critical

Critical Service Impact

  • One or more organizations cannot access or navigate the site.
  • One or more organizations cannot access e-Learning Paths.
  • One or more organizations cannot use any Skillsoft Products.
  • One or more organizations can access no content.

Team Leader+

S2- High

Major Service Impact

  • One or more organizations cannot access part of the site.
  • One or more organizations cannot launch a subset of content.
  • One or more organizations cannot use one or more Skillsoft Products.
  • A number of students cannot access/navigate the site.
  • A number of students can access no content.
  • Core Admin functionality not working e.g. cannot run a report, cannot assign content, cannot register students.
  • A piece of content cannot be accessed by anyone or is crashing when accessed by anyone.
  • Any other issue that results in a material degradation in the usability, quality or availability of any of the Skillsoft Products.

Team Leader+

S3- Medium

Minor Service Impact

  • An Admin report is incorrect/inaccurate.
  • A single student cannot access the site.
  • A single student cannot access any content.
  • A single student's progress is incorrect.
  • A piece of content is not tracking progress correctly.


S4- Low

Minor Service Impact – Workaround available

  • Issue where there's a ready workaround.
  • Typos, grammar in content


S5 – Request / Customer Education

No Impact Design or usability query

  • Enhancement request 
  • Username / Password requests    
  • Navigation or functional query



The Priority of a Service Request is a subjective value that refers to the degree of urgency in which the issue must be resolved. This value drives our internal escalation management process. The Priority changes to appropriately reflect the severity of the issue.

Every Severity level has a corresponding default priority level, but priority allows for some input from human and business needs. Problems with low severity can easily get assigned a higher priority should the need arise. For example, if we have a simple typo on a customer’s page, that's Severity 4 because of its low scope, but if that page is their home page and the typo is in their company name, it may be a Priority 1 problem.

The default priority levels for the various Severity levels are shown below:

Severity Level Priority Level
S1 P1
S2 P2
S3 P3
S4 P4
S5 P5

In order to change a priority level from its default level, a business case must be presented and approved through appropriate channels.

The table below provides definitions for the various Priority levels.

Priority level


Can be set by

P1 – Critical

Priority is so high that issue needs to be addressed immediately. Examples include:

  • Issues where effect may cascade and down an application  
  • Issues where contracts may be at risk

Team Leaders+

P2 – High

Give High Attention

Example:    Sensitive customers

Team Leaders+

P3 – Medium

Normal Queue

Example:  Day to day issues


P4 – Low

Low Priority

  • Can be addressed at a later time  
  • Moderate problems can usually wait until the more important problems are cleaned up


P5 – Waiting / No priority

Waiting / No Priority

  • Not in scope of Support 
  • Not significant enough to prioritise
