User Roles and Privileges

User roles determine what level of access you have in Percipio. There are eight roles available in Percipio, one for learners and 10 for administrators. Five of the 10 admin roles are custom roles defined by you.

All roles have access to the learning content in Percipio. The five Percipio-defined administrative roles (site admin, learning admin, manager, content curator, content coordinator) have a default set of permissions. For a chart showing each role's default permissions and permissions that can be customized for that role see Permissions by Role.

The five custom admin roles that you can define start either with a base role of learning admin or site admin and have the same default set of permissions as that base role. You can customize each role to your needs. To customize a role, see Role Customization.

Roles you can assign to users

Every user must have a role as part of their user account. If not explicitly specified, users get the role of learner. Roles that you can assign a user include:

  • Learner: can only access Percipio for Learners. This is the default role for new users and cannot be customized.

  • Site Admin: has access to all administrative features and functions. You cannot customize this role.

  • Learning Admin: typically owns one or more audiences and may administer one or more audiences.

    • You must assign users with the learning admin role as an audience owner for them to be able to see users in reports, make assignments, and target learning.
    • For each audience they own, they can view some reports and dashboards, as well as create, edit, and manage assignments.
    • Typically, learning admins are higher-level executives or cross-functional leaders, such as a manager within a distributed learning and development department.
    • You can customize this role.
    • If you grant this role content management permissions, all content changes impact the entire Percipio site. This role can only assign content to audiences that they own.
    • If you grant this role Live Course permissions, they can add live courses and classes, and add instructors within audiences that they own. They can also manage the roster for only learners that belong to audiences that they own, including registering learners to classes, and approving/denying registration requests.
    • Learning admins can have the privilege of being an audience administrator. Audience administrators can create and manage child audiences which are subsets of the main audience that they administer. They must be a learning admin or manager with the Manage child audiences as an administrator permission enabled.
    • You can set up this role as a reporting only admin.
    • You can customize this role to allow them to create and edit users within audiences they own. The role they assign to new users has to have equal or fewer privileges than their role. For example, the learning admin role cannot assign a new user the site admin role.
  • Manager: typically owns one audience that usually consists of their direct reports.

    • You must assign users with the manager role as an audience owner for them to be able to see users in reports and make assignments.
    • Managers may own more than one audience. For each audience they own, they can view some reports and dashboards.
    • You can customize this role.
    • If you grant this role content management permissions, all content changes impact the entire Percipio site. This role can only assign content to audiences that they own.
    • You can set up this role as a reporting only admin.
    • To help guide your managers on activities they can perform, see the Manager guide.
    • You can customize this role to allow them to create and edit users within audiences they own. The role they assign to a new user has to have equal or fewer privileges than their role. For example, the manager role cannot assign a new user the site admin role.
  • Content Curator: customizes learning content and manage their organization's library structure by creating custom areas, subjects, channels, and content. They can also view some reports and dashboards. You can customize this role.

  • Content Coordinator: manages their organization's custom channels and custom content and have access to some reports. You can customize this role.

  • Custom role: provides a way for you to configure up to five additional roles unique for your organization. For example, you might need a report-only admin or an ILT-only admin. When setting up your custom role, you define its base role as either learning admin or site admin. When you use the learning admin as a base role, you must also assign users in this role as audience owners so they can perform their tasks on audiences they own. When you use site admin as a base role, users with the role can perform tasks on all audiences and users. You can choose which permissions to allow for each custom role.

Privileges available for roles

Some of the user roles allow for privileges beyond their permissions set for their role.

A user with any role can have the following additional privileges:

  • Instructor: This is not a role, but a privilege that can be assigned to any role by selecting the check box: Assign live course instructor privilege when creating a new user. Instructors can manage a class registration list, a waitlist, and scores for class participants.

  • Approval Manager: This is not a role, but a user attribute. When you create a new user and select an existing user as their approval manager, the existing user automatically becomes an approval manager. Approval managers can approve Live Course registrations.

A learning admin, custom role based on learning admin, or manager must have the privilege of audience owner

You assign a learning admin or manager as an audience owner when you create the audience either manually or via teams automation.

When a user is an audience owner they can perform all tasks enabled for their role on just the audiences they own. This is called a scoped admin because the scope of the activities they can do is limited to the users who are members of the audiences they own.

If a learning admin or manager is not an owner of an audience, they do not see any users in reports, nor can they make assignments or target learning.

A learning admin or custom role based on learning admin can have the privilege of audience administrator

An audience administrator is a user with the role of learning admin with the Manage child audiences as an administrator permission enabled. You assign a user as an audience administrator when you create the audience.

When a user is an audience administrator, they can:

  • Create child audiences which are subsets of the audiences they administer.
  • Create child audiences to child audiences, up to three levels deep.
  • Define child audiences by specifying user attributes only.
  • View characteristics of the audience which they administer.
  • Create, edit and delete all child audiences at all levels under the audience they administer.
  • Perform all actions on the audience they administer and its child audiences based on the permissions defined for their role, such as make assignments, run reports, and target content.

Audience administrators cannot:

  • Change the characteristics of the main audience they administer, only the child audiences they create.
  • Delete the main audience that they administer.

Frequently asked questions