Enable SCORM for Compliance Content in Moodle

If your purchase package includes Compliance content, you can enable this integration to send compliance content.

Note: You must first enable compliance content in Moodle before you start the initial bulk load of Percipio content into Moodle.

To enable SCORM for compliance content in Moodle: 

  1. Navigate to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules

    Activity modules section under plugins tab

  1. Go to SCORM package.

    SCORM package page

  1. Under Admin settings locate Enable direct AICC URL and Enable external AICC HACP.

    Enable direction AICC URL setting and Enable external AICC HACP setting

  1. Click the Default check-boxes for both settings to On.

  2. Click Save changes.

Next steps

After you have completed all the base Percipio-Moodle integration configurations, it is recommended that you configure how Percipio content is displayed in Moodle. For more information on configuring how Percipio content is displayed in Moodle, see Configure Content Display Settings in Moodle.