Configure Oracle Learning Cloud for Skillsoft Content

To configure your instance of Oracle Learning Cloud for Skillsoft content, you must complete two steps:

  1. Schedule content export.
  2. Send content to Oracle Learning Cloud.

Work with your Skillsoft account and your designated IT teams to configure Skillsoft Percipio with Oracle Learning Cloud.

Schedule content export

The first part of the process is to schedule a content export between Skillsoft Percipio and Oracle Learning Cloud. Work with your Skillsoft account team to:

  1. Configure Oracle API details in the Auth-Config service.
  2. Schedule a job at the organization level to export content to Oracle LMS. The job is delegated to Content Discovery Services (CDS).
  3. CDS fetches data and creates snapshots.
  4. CDS then gets the transform details and hands over the content along with the transform to the Oracle plug-in.
  5. The Oracle plug-in, which is part of CDS, transforms the content into an Oracle LMS readable format and stores the content in the CDS database.

Send content to Oracle Learning Cloud

The second part of the process is to send the content export to Oracle Learning Cloud:

  1. A separate periodic sync job is created that runs every 5 minutes. It's an asynchronous job that is delegated to CDS for sending content to Oracle LMS.
  2. CDS checks the schedules that are active and gets the org-schedule related content in chunks from the CDS database.
  3. CDS gets the configuration from the Auth-Config service and makes iterative calls to the Oracle API to push the content to Oracle Learning Cloud.
    1. CDS first makes a GET call to Oracle API to check if the item is available in Oracle LMS. If it's not available, it makes a POST call to create, otherwise it creates a PATCH call to update it.
    2. CDS checks if the org has more records to send, if YES, it sends a message to RabbitMQ. If NO, it unlocks the org.
  4. CDS updates the status of each record in the CDS database along with any failure logs to retry later.
  5. Once the content is in the Oracle Learning Cloud, learners can launch it using a share link.
    1. On launch, Percipio checks if the learner is logged in. If they are not, Percipio redirects to the IDP for authentication resulting in a SAML assertion.
    2. Percipio will consume the assertion, and if valid, it will either create the user if the user does not exist, or log the user in if they do exist.
    3. Percipio then redirect the learner to the content using the share link.