This web service allows the customer to retrieve current SCORM settings. The following SCORM settings include:
Lesson_status - specifies the lesson status value to be set to the SCO for the Third Party Learning Managements System during launch. Valid values are not attempted, incomplete - default, and completed.
Session_time - specifies the session time value set to the SCO for the Third Party Learning Managements System during launch. The default value is 00:00: 00.
Scorm_version - specifies the version of PIF file to be generated in initiate asset meta data AI functions. The supported values are scorm12 - default, and scorm24. The OLSA 1.2 release only accepts the value scorm12.
customerId - String identifies the customer of OLSA environment.
scormSettings - The SCORM settings include: lesson_status, session_time, scorm_version