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Specifying the groupCode Argument

Various OLSA functions like those in the SEARCH&LEARN™ and SignOn service sets provide the capability to create the specified user automatically if he does not yet exist in the OLSA system.

If the integrating application, for example the customer portal, wishes to take advantage of this capability, a groupCode identifying the relevant SkillPort user group must be specified, otherwise the user will not be created.

If the integrating application would like to take advantage of the advanced features available in the User Management and Assignment service sets to create custom user group hierarchies and content-assignments, then it should review its use of the groupCode argument when also taking advantage of the auto-user-creation feature.

You can also create the following custom user group hierarchies:

You can also create the following custom assignment:

Note: When the calling system is an LMS and is using the Referral Object launch method, users will always be created by default, in the SkillSoft user group. This user group by default will have all SkillSoft purchased content assigned to it.