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Pseudocode Examples

The following pseudocode examples illustrate how you can implement the described patterns.

Pattern 1 - Bulk Reporting

// The following procedure illustrates Pattern 1 and should be

// executed only by a single background thread. During a given

// interval, it is designed to iterate calling the content publisher

// until NoResultsAvailableFault is detected or moreFlag is false.


proc Example_Pattern_1() {

while (true) {

boolean moreFlag = true

DataResponse response = null

while (moreFlag) {

try {

response = OC_GetTrackingData(“”, “”)



moreFlag = response.moreFlag

} catch (NoResultsAvailableFault) {

// All up-to-date


} catch (GeneralFault) {

// Error calling Get or Ack. No action required by caller.


} catch (AnyNonOCError) {

// Process the error…

// If the error occurred in Example_ProcessData

// then it is recommended that a call to

// OC_InitializeTrackingData()

// be made. This will ensure that any unacknowledged

// and potentially unprocessed TDRs will be resent

// on the next Get call.







Pattern 2 - End User Status

// The following procedure should be called as-needed for

// a specific user. It can be called simultaneously from many

// different threads. Do not use this pattern to satisfy

// the Use-case-01: Bulk Reporting.


proc Example_Pattern_2(username){

boolean moreFlag = true

DataResponse response

while (moreFlag) {

try {

response = OC_GetTrackingData(“”, username)



moreFlag = response.moreFlag

} catch (NoResultsAvailableFault) {

// All up-to-date


} catch (GeneralFault) {

// Error calling Get or Ack. No action required by caller.


} catch (AnyNonOCError) {

// Process the error…

// Due to the multi-threaded nature of this

// scenario, it is NOT recommended that a call to

// OC_InitializeTrackingData()

// be made here. This call should only be

// done by the Pattern 1 thread or the system

// startup thread.





// This code demonstrates how to implement a common

// processing module with a recommended recovery

// approach for Pattern 2.


// How the setOfAlreadyProcessedIds functionality

// is implemented is internal and specific to each caller.


proc Example_ProcessData(TrackingDataRecord[] data) {

foreach record in data {

if (record.reset == 0) {

// Safe to process, the caller has not seen this before.


// Also check timestamp to perform any reconciliation

// if this record is older then any record already

// processed for the same user. Out-of-order records

// should not be an issue for different users.

write record to DB, this is

atomically adding to setOfAlreadyProcessedIds

} else {

// May have seen this TDR before, check it. The

// following TDR attributes are available for

// reconciliation:

// - id

// - timestamp

if ( in setOfAlreadyProcessedIds) {

// skip this record we have already processed it before

} else {

// safe to process, the caller

// may have seen it but was not

// able to process and acknowledge it.

write record to DB, this is

atomically adding to setOfAlreadyProcessedIds



