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Search Terminology

assetType - The kind of asset, for example, _ss_bs _ss_classic, _ss_book, and so forth. For more infomation, see Asset Types. The Search Server uses this tag to properly categorize learning objects:

DTYPE - DTYPE identifies under which category a learning object will appear as the result of a search. For example, if a search finds two learning objects, one with assetType=_ss_bs and the other assetType=_ss_e3, both appear in the Course category.

Search-and-Learn® Asset- An Asset in the Search & Learn service is a superset of the definition used in the Asset Integration Service. Assets in this service include Topics, JobAids, SkillBriefs and Referenceware.

SearchAsset ID and Native ID -The search functions return results with attributes named Asset ID and Native ID. An Asset ID is this context is a combination of the <asset-type>:<native-id> which we call the SearchAssetID. The Native ID is exactly equivalent to the AssetID referred to everywhere else in this document.

Trackable asset - An asset that sends tracking data to the LMS.

Non-trackable asset -An asset that does not send any tracking data to the LMS.

Bin - A bin is a container. It can be defined to contain assets of one or more asset types. Search results are grouped by bins. The search function should be called with a reasonable binsize value. There can be significant performance penalties throughout the system for using an excessively large binsize.

Search Parameter - This refers to a search configuration XML value. It includes items like a list of bins, with each bin specifying the asset types that are mapped to it. It also contains additional configuration values like the default bin sizes. It controls among other things what assets are searched for in a federated search, and how search results are organized.

Entitlement and Assignment- An entitlement is the set of all assets that the customer is allowed contractual access to. An assignment allows finer grain access to assets within an entitlement, down to the user-level within OLSA. Entitlement is managed via the Asset Integration service (see Entitlement). Assignment is managed through the Assignment service (see Assignment Types).

Language - Assets are filterable by a single language as well. The set of available languages will depend on the caller's entitlement.

Result Set - Also know as Search Results, the entire stream of the binned set of assets that match the specified search criteria. The following XML example shows the result set/bin/asset structure appears at a high level :


<bin binname='someBin1'>

<asset assetid ='someAsset1'/>

<asset assetid ='someAsset2'/>


<bin binname ='someBin2'>


<bin name='someBin3'>

<asset assetid='someAsset3'/>

<asset assetid ='someAsset4'/>

