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Writing Code that Implements the Asset Synchronization Cycle

Key things about the Asset Integration Cycle algorithm:

The Asset Integration Cycle must be in the order of hours. Completing the Process File step is specific to the LMS. Before you apply changes, see Checking Status.

Recommended algorithm

set mode to ‘all’ or ‘delta’
set format to ‘aicc’ or ‘scorm’, etc…
loop (forever) { 
  try {
    handle = AI_InitiateAssetMetaData (mode, format)
    loop (forever) {
      sleep X minutes // polling interval
      try {
        resp = AI_PollForAssetMetaData(handle)
        exitloop // exit polling loop
      } catch (DataNotReady) {
        // stay in polling loop
    Retrieve file via URL in resp
    Process file
    if mode==all then exitloop // performing 'all' exit main loop
  } catch (AnyException) { 
    try {
    } catch (AnyException) {
      // ignore
  sleep N hours // main Asset Integration Cycle interval