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Asset Integration Cycle Overview

The Asset Integration Service provides an interface for a Consumer Application, such as LMS, HRIS, and so forth to perform metadata harvesting. It provides the ability to load the launchable learning objects into the database.

The Web service provides the ability to scope the metadata in the following ways:

The Asset Integration Service provides the ability to scope the metadata, and the platform allows the consumer application to select the following formats:

Due to the limitations of data provided in AICC and SCORM and the formatting of fields in CSV, Skillsoft recommends using the XML as it is based on the Dublin Core metadata harvesting data model.

The following table shows fields that are available through the web service:




This is the primary key to the resource. Use this code to for reference in all related web service calls.


This is the title of the resource


This is the description of the resource.


This describes the content type. Values are from the Dublin Core data model.


This a value based on a combination of language and country codes. Referencing ISO 639-1 Code and ISO 3166-1


This is the entity responsible for making the resource available.


This contains information about rights held in and over the resource.


International Standard Book Number


The entity primarily responsible for creating the resource.


The nature or genre of the resource, from the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DMCI) type vocabulary.


A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.


The approximate length of the resource.


Recommended skills required to enter resource.


Course outline


URL where you can access the asset


Which API the respective launch URL is listening

Basic Flow

Call AI_InitiateAssetMetaData //one call to open the transaction

If Error [Outstanding request]

Set the Request ID to outstanding Request ID

Set the request ID per the response

Wait a few minutes

Call AI_PollForAssetMetaData, to verify the request is complete compiling

If Error [Not Complete], Repeat Wait then poll

Process Metadata

Call AI_AcknowledgeAssetMetaData, this will close the outstanding request