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Downloading Asset Metadata with OLSA Web Services

You can use OLSA web services to obtain course metadata. This process is generally used for third party LMS integrations. There are two options to do this.

Download Asset Metadata for All Courses

You can use the web service equivalent of the course metadata report. This is called the AI_InitiateAssetMetaData service. This will output the same information as the manual report within the OLSA Admin UI. The output formats are the following:

The report generates information for each course asset available on the site. The contents of the output file are the following:


Download Asset Metadata on a Course By Course Basis

There are two secondary web services that will let you pull asset metadata on a course by course basis, rather than in large CSV/XML files that may contain thousands of entries. The two web services are:

The report generates information for the specified course number. The contents of the output file are the following:



May see limited use if you only want a catalog report every few months.