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The SO_GetMultiActionSignOnURLExtended service allows you to perform a variety of actions simultaneously, including:

Using the Service

Before using this service, consider the following:







Enter the company sname.



Enter a name for the user.

The following conditions apply:

  • Valid characters include: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789@$_.~'-
  • Login names cannot start with apostrophe (') or dash (-)
  • Non-breaking white spaces (space, tab, new line) are invalid
  • All user-entered usernames are converted to lower case before the validation
  • Multi-byte characters are invalid (Multi-byte characters include letters of the alphabet in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean)
  • The following characters are invalid: <> [ ] ( ) ; : \ /

The following is a list of reserved words that are invalid:

     add, all, block, count, down, force, link, mount, off, simple, tag, up



Use this field to change the user's username.



Specify group memberships for the user. To add the user to more than one group, use a comma delimited list. For example:




Enter a password for the user. The following conditions apply:

  • If left blank, the password defaults to username.
  • Passwords are case-sensitive.
  • All single-byte characters are allowed except backslash (\).
  • Non-breaking white spaces (space, tab, new line) are invalid.

Multi-byte characters are invalid (Multi-byte characters include letters of the alphabet in Asian languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean).



Optional field.

Specify a user role for the user. Valid values are:


The following conditions apply:

  • If a value is not specified, the userRole defaults to END_USER.

Only one role is allowed for a given user.



Enter an Approval Manager for the user.

The value must match the username of an existing user.



The specified value must be a valid language code.

Currently supported language codes include:

  • de - German (All)
  • en-gb - English (UK)
  • en-us - English (US)
  • es - Spanish (All)
  • fr - French
  • it - Italian (All)
  • ja - Japanese
  • pl - Polish
  • pt-br - Brazilian Portuguese
  • ru - Russian
  • th - Thai
  • zh - Chinese (Mandarin)
  • zh-tw - Traditional Chinese

Language codes are case-insensitive.

Note: If this feature is not enabled, entering a value in this field produces an error.



Use this field to activate or deactivate the user. Valid values are

  • 1 = active
  • 2 = inactive



Select the user's 508 preferences:

  • 0 = non 508 content (default)
  • 1 = 508 content



If actionType is launch, summary, download or launchKC, you must enter an assetId for this field.

Examples of valid assetId values:

  • chr_01_a27_lc_enus
  • COMM0112
  • _ss_book:51118 (to launch a book or video)

To launch a section of a book:

  • _ss_book:45752-184480447 (where 45752 is the book, and 184480447 is the section within the book)

To log a user into Skillport in the Books-Limited view, use:

  • assetId=_ss_book:



Use this field to launch or download a course, or open the course summary page. The following conditions apply:

  • Requires an assetId for asset specific actions (marked with an *asterisk below).

Available Actions:

  • *launch - Launches the course entered in the assetId field; logs the user into books24x7
  • *download - Downloads the course entered in the assetId field
  • *summary - Logs the user in and brings them to the summary page for the course entered in the assetId field.
  • *launchKC - In the assetId field, enter the Learning Object ID of the KnowledgeCenter.
  • myPlan - Logs the user in and redirects to the Develppment Plan.
  • useridresult - Returns the specified user’s user id. The result is XML formatted regardless of the resType parameter specified.
  • catalog - Logs the user in and redirects to the Catalog.
  • home - Logs the user in and redirects to Home.

    Note: All available action parameters are case-sensitive and must start with a lower case letter as shown.



Logs the user directly into a folder. Use a folder share link to obtain the value of the path.




Enter values for both core and custom user profile fields.

Core User Profile Fields:

  • _sys_firstname
  • _sys_lastname
  • _sys_emailaddress
  • _sys_display_first_name
  • _sys_display_last_name
  • _sys_location
  • _sys_image_url

Note: If First Name or Last Name values are not provided, the value in the username field is used.

Custom User Profile Fields

Custom user profile fields are either defined by administrators or upgraded from an earlier Skillport version.

Custom fields can have the following data types:

  • Text - cannot exceed 255 characters
  • Integer - 32 bit or less
  • Date - format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • Boolean - accepts values 0/1, no/yes, true/false
  • Single Selection - if validation is On, the field will only accept existing values; if validation is Off, a new field is added to the list
  • Multi-Selection - if validation is On, the field will only accept existing values; if validation is Off, new fields are added to the list

Custom fields use XML, and should be formatted as follows:


     <fieldValue id="{FieldId1}">



     <fieldValue id="{FieldId2}">





Note: If {fieldValue..} contains special characters, wrap it with "CDATA", such as:




     <fieldValue id="_sys_firstname">



     <fieldValue id="address1">

          <value>><![CDATA[500 Canal View Blvd]]></value>


     <fieldValue id="dept_code">



     <fieldValue id="state">





Success Responses

If login fails, the user is redirected to the onFailureURL. For other errors, the appropriate message displays based on the value in the restype field.

Action Type

 Course actions include:

The following actions do not require an assetId:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>


